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Search results

  1. Southwest87

    Southwest's banners

    It's in Community Mod dude.
  2. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod VI - 2018/2019

    It works for me on the latest update of Windows 10. But... with the light version. I'm not able to open the full version. :( Sadly. Fuck CgFile.
  3. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod VI - 2018/2019

    Net framework error during the legacy part upload (53%). Any ideas ? :'( My config : i7-7700k, 32 Go RAM, GTX 1060 6 GB
  4. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    Light version : FIP 5.0 IMS Banners EUR (southwest87's french banners and some of the rest of world) Logos of the Cups Career Mod 4.0 PS controller Some of the jerseys 18/19 Relegations / promotions / European Cups / transfers. And some modifications ... Hard : FIP 5.0 IMS Banners EUR...
  5. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    Announcement for Fifa 19: I think to do many giant tifos (if each team can have one). In priority, the Ligue 1 Conforama and Domino's Ligue 2.
  6. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

  7. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I still want to apologize for the confusion of my words (which I deleted). Indeed, Fifa Infinity is NOT moddingway. Because that's where you find it, Damien: "full of crappy popups, ads and links with questionable content." Really, I'm sorry. You are good guys, so it's cool dude ... It's my...
  8. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I agree with everything Sebbastos said and can not find anything more to add. One thing. Damien no longer wants me and my work on their forum, I find it silly. The language barrier is not necessarily simple to understand, already that it is not easy to understand the writing on the net when you...
  9. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I responded to Damien in private and told him that you were not necessarily targeted for the "fuckers". I thought mostly of others ... Anyway, I can be wrong, the paranoid on the web does not help. In this case, I present you my most apologetic apologies. My desire has always been to share my...
  10. Southwest87

    Southwest's banners

    Up, french banners (part two) for Community Mod are here. :junior: (first post)
  11. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I don't fuckin' know. What is your PC config ?
  12. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I don't know, really but it's possible. The mod is huge, CgFile is not optimized so... it sucks for low-end PC.
  13. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    What I wanted to say is that it's because of FIP and this fucking Cgfile not optimized that it's heavy to load. FIP dramatically changes the game and adds a lot of things that are not supposed to be there. I do not know if I'm clear. On the other hand, banners, kits, flags and other graphic...
  14. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    The mod is huge because FIP 4.0. Not with banners, flags and other things.
  15. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    I agree with what you said.
  16. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    Same for me, I work on it every fucking day and I almost finish all L1 and L2 banners (french divisions' only).
  17. Southwest87

    FIFA Community Mod - Old Versions

    Not for now, I suppose... In any case, our mod is better than focking Fifa 19.