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  1. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody :)
  2. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Ohh yeeeeeesssss
  3. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    They are from another patch for fifa 16
  4. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Dinamo Bucharest 06-07 https://www.mediafire.com/file/k9jmzp1oqjt2ncj/dinamo_06-07.rar/file
  5. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Oh, sorry. I forgot
  6. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Is there a chance to add the other my teams? (for example Karlsruher 93-94,94-95 or Kaiserslautern 94-95):)
  7. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Borussia Monchengladbach 94-95 https://www.mediafire.com/file/zu7r7jux3eq77hv/borussia_monchengladbach_94-95.rar/file
  8. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    how is looking now the table with ucl teams?
  9. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Rapid 05-06 http://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/download-classic-patch-14.177945/page-615#post-6693600 Dinamo 05-06 http://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/download-classic-patch-14.177945/page-616#post-6693930
  10. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    One question. First of all, i don't want to be "a kid who only ask", but i want to know if there is a chance to add my 3 romanian teams that was created months ago(Dinamo, Steaua and Rapid Bucharest 05-06)
  11. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Probably.Anyway,i have created this team months ago.Next team is Borussia Monchengladbach 94-95,so don't start to create it : ))
  12. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    I found a problem.In the cp bayern munich 06-07 use the 05-06 home kit,but actually home kit from 06-07 season is that
  13. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Eintracht Frankfurt 92-93 https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ayy3irefwe40zd/eintracht_frankfurt_92-93.rar/file
  14. edy

    RETRO Mode Romania for fifa 14

    Nice. I have also a project named Romanian classic patch, where i want to make every season of liga 1 http://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/romanian-liga-1-divizia-a-history.6470585/
  15. edy

    Classic Patch post 10's Expansion - V1 and Update Released

    i have send you moths ago but without this two teams.Anyway,can you add Dinamo Bucharest 05-06(the kits are in 2005-10 team)and Dinamo Bucharest 06-07(the kits are on my thread) (i don't want to be a "request kid" but this is my favorite team XD )
  16. edy

    Classic Patch post 10's Expansion - V1 and Update Released

    Nice to hear that.I will do more teams this days.Anyway,have you added Bayern Munich 92-93 and Real Madrid 92-93(my new teams)?
  17. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    I have an idea. Someone to make a thread where all of us, if you want ofcourse, to add all classic stuffs that we have(teams, leagues, kits, faces), all to be added later by giggi in the classic patch, or jbou and valambrosio in their add-ons
  18. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Yes,i have created Betis Sevilla 94-95 and 95-96. And i think i will create some more like eintracht frankfurt 92-93
  19. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Are you sure about that? Real Madrid 92-93 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ft9jmtufpr0tt87/real_madrid_92-93.rar/file
  20. edy

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

    Finally you made happy the kid that wanted this team : ))