Guys, here is the first article.
First thoughts on CM4
December 2002. CM4 promises an excellent game. They put a release date estimated on Valentines Day. A few weeks before we get the smooches and cards and most probably pranks on Valentines Day, SI release a statement saying the magazine will be released on Valentines Day, and in fact the game will be released two weeks after. It wasn’t to be. The BETA demo was released in March. The scene was shocked at the amount of bugs in. SI promised the bugs would be fixed. We had around 1-2 weeks to report the bugs.
SI then released the gold demo of CM4. With most major bugs fixed, there were still bugs. Most people were unconvinced. 28th March. Thousands of fans rush to the stores to get their copy for £34.99.
SI promised to release an enhancement pack to fix most bugs. They did so fixing well over 100 bugs. We are now told a second pack will be released towards the end of April. There are still bugs in the game even after the pack has been installed. I have surfed around the scene, looked at polls, and a majority of people is disappointed with the game. I am one of them.
I would not have minded an extra months wait if SI had sorted out all the bugs. You're all very lucky to be reading this because you have the Internet What about those people who don't have the net? They don't know how to fix installation problems, they don't know how to get around the bugs e.t.c. It's not fair and it is not right.
I purchased my copy at game. There were around 8 of us in the queue. 4 were into CM. 2 were buying it, myself and a lad behind me, while the two lads in front were taking it back. The way I see this, after CM4, SI are going to lose a lot of customers, and this will show when it comes to CM03/04 when we should expect the game to be about £40-£45 because lower sales means higher prices. So we have to pay for SI games mistakes.
I'm not happy with CM4. In fact I am pretty much disgusted that I have spent £35 on this. Without a shadow of a doubt this is certainly my last CM. I won't be buying any more. I have been playing since 1997. That's six years of playing an excellent management game. I never got bored of CM01/02. That was proved by playing up until 2045 which took me around 20 days of playing time. SI has taken one step forward with CM4. The catch? They have taken two steps back.
The new tactic engine is terrible. I recommend going to Ray Houghton's official site and giving him a piece of your mind. He has ruined it tactically. Sure it's realistic, every decent tactician is disgusted with it. The game relies upon man-management too much. We have to pay far too much attention to our players now. So from previous CM's which was how good tactically you are, CM4 now has focused on controlling players with more interaction and the financial side. I don't like it one bit.
Ultimate soccer manager 98 had a 2D engine as well as a 3D engine. It's as good if not better than the CM one. USM98 had the potential to become bigger than CM. Sierra never hit the nail on the head though which was a shame because it is an excellent game and I still enjoy playing it today. There are other games like LMA manager, Player manager 2003. I will be trying all these games out in the future.