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CM4 SG United????


Fan Favourite
Well, Parra send me his draft, and I gave him some pointers. All in very early stages still. It probably would be him who will make the update, as there goes much more time into acquisition and updating the data than I can handle. I can help in acquisition though.


That Nice Guy
yeah yeah, we'll all be in it. Will we basically be doing the same thing as last time, everyone put there attributes down, with the biggest and most regular posters getting more points?



Fan Favourite
I've suggested some new things, but I'm not sure yet if it'll all be possible. I'll have to wait for Parra's response first as well. :)

We will have many, many places available, we might even get three players each, in different categories.

The posting will be related to current and potential ability, like last time. As there are quite a few new categories in player abilities, the total points will have to be decided on.


Senior Squad
i think it shoud be a bit less because it was a bit easy last time and it only took a bit to reach a higher division, a bit too easy if you ask me!

but not too little :p


Youth Team
i'd love to play for the sg team :p i'll post alot more once my friggin game comes :f***: (it's been over 2 weeks since i ordered it) hopefully it'll be mac compatable too?? :$

Dan the monkey

I could help out a bit with the editing aswell if u want


Fan Favourite
Only one person can do the editing, or you'd have to swap the database files back and forth... that wouldn't be to practical. But if something comes up, we'll contact you :)


That Nice Guy
Originally posted by bugatti
i'd love to play for the sg team :p i'll post alot more once my friggin game comes :f***: (it's been over 2 weeks since i ordered it) hopefully it'll be mac compatable too?? :$

awww, best post ive seen in ages. thanks for that, you've brigthened up my day :D :D :D :D

sorry, but i like to see that passion for CM, its so cool.



Silver background and Blue writing for the home kit.

I can't remember the away kit from last time but how about orange background and blue writing
