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Design Finished?

simple is good...... often less is more, especially with making websites.

i'm actually beginning to hate the design, i think it should be much simpler, it's too heavy :$

the only thing I think we should add if possible, is the In The Spotlight thing like on www.soccergaming.com


Flamehawk. Could you refer to me on the site as [HH] and don't stick my email addy on posting news, otherwise I will have a flood of MSN contacts adding me. :) Cheers.


Starting XI
:( , your original design took me forever to code, but than again... u did warn me not to start yet..

the Spot Light can be done thing can be done

I can center the text way better I was being lazy :(
as for the buttons I got it to work for Main Menu only, but I will keep trying.

But yea go ahead, It got plenty of time, itz fine if u make a new design.


Starting XI
Originally posted by voetballiefhebb
Flamehawk. Could you refer to me on the site as [HH] and don't stick my email addy on posting news, otherwise I will have a flood of MSN contacts adding me. :) Cheers.

ok sure, fine.
If it's too much work (and I imagine it must be pretty ****in hard), then forget it, we can leave it as it is.

i might design somethin just for fun, and if we like it a lot more, we will change it (H)


Gareth? Hello, don't single me out, we're a team. I don't have the final say what goes on you know. :)

Is the idea the dream team? If so, I like it. :D
