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FC 25 Conversions (DB, Kits, ect.)

FC 25 Kits, Mini Kits and Team UI Crests for FIFA 16 (Fixes)

-Fixes kits without correct shorts and socks. Issue was caused by larger short textures.

scouser09 (Conversion)


FC 25 DB (Original) and Language DBs for FIFA 16.

-DB is not compatible with existing patches for career mode as compatible compdata is required. I will not provide this.
-Fixes such as replacing generic Brazilian team players will not be provided here but will be fixed in FIP16.
-This DB is expanded to accommodate larger values for numberfonttype and shortsnumberfonttype.

scouser09 (Conversion)
Aranaktu (Language DB Extraction)


FC 25 DB (1st October Squads) for FIFA 16.

-New teams and leagues will have missing name strings unless used with language DB converted from FC 25.
-DB is not compatible with existing patches for career mode as compatible compdata is required. I will not provide this.
-Fixes such as replacing generic Brazilian team players will not be provided here but will be fixed in FIP16.
-This DB is expanded to accommodate larger values for numberfonttype and shortsnumberfonttype.

scouser09 (Conversion)

Db for FIFA 14?


  • IMG_20241022_182830.jpg
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Kits, minikits y escudos de la interfaz de equipo de FC 25 para FIFA 16 (correcciones)

- Se corrigieron los problemas con los pantalones cortos y las medias que no estaban correctamente ajustados. El problema se debía a que las texturas de los pantalones cortos eran más grandes.

scouser09 (Conversión)



Base de datos FC 25 (original) y bases de datos de idiomas para FIFA 16.

-DB no es compatible con los parches existentes para el modo carrera, ya que se requieren datos de compilación compatibles. No los proporcionaré.
-Correcciones como el reemplazo de jugadores genéricos del equipo brasileño no se proporcionarán aquí, pero se solucionarán en FIP16.
-Esta base de datos se ha ampliado para admitir valores más grandes para numberfonttype y shortsnumberfonttype.

scouser09 (Conversión)
Aranaktu (Extracción de base de datos de idiomas)



FC 25 DB (Plantillas del 1 de octubre) para FIFA 16.

-New teams and leagues will have missing name strings unless used with language DB converted from FC 25.
-DB is not compatible with existing patches for career mode as compatible compdata is required. I will not provide this.
-Fixes such as replacing generic Brazilian team players will not be provided here but will be fixed in FIP16.
-This DB is expanded to accommodate larger values for numberfonttype and shortsnumberfonttype.

scouser09 (Conversion)

How do they convert the data from fc25 to fifa 16 so quickly, is there a program or something?
How do they convert the data from fc25 to fifa 16 so quickly, is there a program or something?
The Program is Scouser itself. Artificial Intelligence rules!

On a serious note, it´s possible to extract many many files and better to say "packs" of files with Frosty Editor and FMT. You don´t need to extract every single kit or coeff file or boot graphics file. It´s an really awesome features of the Frosty Editors. Try it. You will like it if you own the Game. ;-)
El programa es Scouser en sí mismo. ¡La inteligencia artificial es lo máximo!

Hablando en serio, es posible extraer muchos archivos, o mejor dicho, "paquetes" de archivos con Frosty Editor y FMT. No es necesario que extraigas todos los archivos de kit, coeficientes o gráficos de arranque. Es una característica realmente increíble de Frosty Editors. Pruébalo. Te gustará si tienes el juego
It works for fifa 15?
It works for fifa 15?
Hmm, I guess it must be converted for FIFA 15 separatly, Mate! I never tried using FIFA 16 Files in FIFA 15. But I assume you or somebody must convert the textures which are extracted from FC 25.
As I know so far Scouser converts FC 25 Textures for FIFA 16 only.
Mmm, supongo que se debe convertir por separado para FIFA 15, amigo. Nunca intenté usar archivos de FIFA 16 en FIFA 15. Pero supongo que tú o alguien más debe convertir las texturas que se extraen de FC 25.
Hasta ahora, Scouser convierte las texturas de FC 25 solo para FIFA 16.
Can I convert, fc25 database to fifa 16 with frosty?
Can I convert, fc25 database to fifa 16 with frosty?
With Frosty? 1:1? NO.
Database conversion is much more to handle from one FIFA to FC or vice versa.
You need Excel and DB Master 15 and than convert the important and necessary Tables one by one from the FC 25 DB over to FIFA 16. Needs very good Database knownledge as well as very good excel knownledge.
