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you open fifa 22 db/compdata file with cm16?as I told you, I use the cm16 tool for this
however you have to modify Settings so it can work in cm 16
if no, you can't save
And then you have to edit manual Settings and Tasks
so it works and open the game
So it´s possible to have in one country more Leagues connected, like the 4 in England or the 3 in Germany? Basic Compdata From FIFA 22
I was able to pre-make 4 Compdata files:
Compobj, Compids, Standings, Schedule
To do:
Advancement, Initteams, Weather, Tasks, Settings , (Objectives - New File in Compdata in FIFA 22)
hello I will do it to help Dominn98you open fifa 22 db/compdata file with cm16?
i'm waiting for the tutorial when available
n,match_stadium,mCan anyone help how I change a cup final stadium?
Manual work is difficult and full of problems.
Anyone know how to fix it so that there are only 2 matches (World Cup qualifiers) in the career? Schedule problem
I know, I did objectives, settings and tasks manually, the rest through CM16 because it generates the rest of the files correctlyManual work is difficult and full of problems.