Rhino-Made PES Stadium Conversion to FIFA07: My Tutorial!
Programs needed:
Stadium Importer Exporter aka SIE
Blender www.blender.org
Stadium Builder by FIFA-ECP
OIFTool 2007 by FIFA-ECP
FshED, with "Graphic Importer Plugin"
Photoshop or other image editing program.
NB: In the SIE rar there is a flash video tutorial,
showing you how to setup the scripts included for .sef files
NBB: The only stadiums you can convert to PES are Rhino-made stadiums.
How can you tell, you ask?
Easy, the majority of the textures that will be required for conversion (explained below)
must be 512x512 in their PES dimensions.
I. Converting .BIN to .SEF:
1. Import the "stad1_main.bin" file from the "1_day_fine" folder of your stadium in SIE.
2. Export this stadium from SIE into a directory of your choice as an .SEF file.
II. Setting Up the Stadium Parts for Conversion:
1. Create 4 New Folders in the same Directory (Stadium Name)/ , "3DS Files", "OIF Files", "O Files" and "Textures"
2. Open up Blender
3. Goto File -> Import -> "Stadiums .sef" and open the .SEF file you saved just before.
4. In the Bottom-Left corner of the screen, there should be a little button with a grid and an arrow pointing upwards.
Click on it. You will have a menu popup.
The only two options that concern us are "3D View" and "Outliner".
5. Goto Outliner. You will see a list of the parts that make up the stadium.
6. Open the heading: "Rebounds", by clicking on the Triangle.
7. Delete all the Sub-Headings under "Rebounds" by right-click and "Delete" and then delete the Main Heading.
8. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for "Sky", deleting all the Sub-Headings and then the Main Heading
9. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for all the "Field" headings, deleting all the Sub-Headings and then the Main Heading for each of these.
- There should usually be only be 3 Field headings.
After this you should have the following parts still remaining:
DOWNSIDE (Optional - Some stadiums have this as part of the DOWN_TRIBUNE, BASE or on its own; it's just the subs' bench )
NB: RenderLayer is the Patriarchal Heading for the .SEF file.
Delete this and your stadium will be gone.
Thus, From now "all parts" will refer to the ones above in CAPITALS.
III. Converting the Stadium Parts to .3DS:
1. You should still be in Outliner. From here, open up all the Headings and click on the eye you see on the left hand column in the outliner window for each of the parts.
This will hide all the other parts from view, making it easier to rotate them for FIFA 07 specifications.
2. Click on the eye again for the first subpart. This should be BASE 00-00, ROOF 00-00 TRIB 00-00 etc.
3. Goto 3D View, using the button in the Bottom-Left Corner.
NB: Whatever you do, do not click using the left-mouse button when viewing the stadium or any of its parts, as it will reset the Origin-Point to where-ever you may happen to click.
If this does happen reset the point using the Undo shortcut: CRTL-Z.
4. In 3D View you now have just one part showing. Press A. This wil highlight the part, making it ready for editing.
Now Press N. This gives you the "Transform Properties Window".
5. In "Transform Properties" Click on "Link Scale". Then click on "ScaleX";
This should make the relevant part increase in size by 10%.
If it doesn't, type the corresponding value manually: (1,100).
6. With "Link Scale" still activated, Click on "RotZ" and change the value to 90 (for 90 Degree rotation).
7. Go Back to Outliner.
8. Click on File -> Export -> "3D Studio" (.3ds) and Export to "3DS Files" Folder. Save as {Partname}.3ds
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for every other part, showing only one part at a time.
IV. Converting the "3DS Files" to "OIF Files":
1. Open Stadium Builder
2. Click on File -> "Import to OIF"; Open the first part's (eg base) .3ds
3. Click on File -> "Save OIF" and Save to "OIF Files" saving as {Partname (eg base)}.oif
4. Repeat the above steps for all other parts.
V. Converting to .O file - 1st Part:
1. Open OIFTool 2007
2. Change the Stadium Model to FIFA Generic Model.
3. Import
- From: part.oif
- To : part.o
- Base: template m716_33_1.o - from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
4. Import Window:
Click on "Empty All"
Click on "Load tasn" - Open the 07_template.tasn file; from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
Click on "Part 0" and in "Action with Selected Part" click on "Replace With". As there's only one part, you dont need to select which one.
Continue and it should convert your first part into .o format.
VI. Converting to .O file - All other parts:
1. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for all other parts.
2. Import*:
- From: Part.oif
- To : Part.o
- Base: Previous Part.o
3. Import Window:
Click on "Retain All"
Click on "Load tasn" - Open the 07_template.tasn file; from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
Click on "Part #"* and in "Action with Selected Part" click on "Replace With". As there's only one part, you dont need to select which one.
Continue and it should convert your combined parts into .o format.
* for conversions after the first one, follow this guide on order using the part before a part as its base:
PART0 BASE - tp00
PART1 D_TRIB - tp01
PART2 L_TRIB - tp02
PART3 ROOF - tp04
PART4 BENCH - tp05
PART5 U_TRIB - tp06
PART6 R_TRIB - tp07
4. Having done this with all parts, copy and rename the last .o (right_tribune.o) to m716__###_1.o
VII. FSH Creation - Texture Conversion:
1. Open Photoshop
2. Open the following Textures, in "1_day_fine", which will be used for the corresponding parts as indicated above:
3. Flip each texture Vertically.
4. Resize the textures from 512x512 to 256x256.
5. Save as the tp0#.png as indicated above, in the "Texture" folder
VIII. FSH Creation - Importing Textures:
1. Open FshED and open an existing stadium .fsh which has the above no. of tp0#'s (=7) and shad, skcd textures.
- If you have a .fsh with more than 8 tp0#'s (ie tp08, tp09) ignore them, as they wont be used.
2. Select the relevant tp0#, and with Graphic Importer import the corresponding texture, doing this for all the textures.
3. Save as t226_###_1.fsh and you're ready to import the model.o and texture.fsh !!!
Programs needed:
Stadium Importer Exporter aka SIE
Blender www.blender.org
Stadium Builder by FIFA-ECP
OIFTool 2007 by FIFA-ECP
FshED, with "Graphic Importer Plugin"
Photoshop or other image editing program.
NB: In the SIE rar there is a flash video tutorial,
showing you how to setup the scripts included for .sef files
NBB: The only stadiums you can convert to PES are Rhino-made stadiums.
How can you tell, you ask?
Easy, the majority of the textures that will be required for conversion (explained below)
must be 512x512 in their PES dimensions.
I. Converting .BIN to .SEF:
1. Import the "stad1_main.bin" file from the "1_day_fine" folder of your stadium in SIE.
2. Export this stadium from SIE into a directory of your choice as an .SEF file.
II. Setting Up the Stadium Parts for Conversion:
1. Create 4 New Folders in the same Directory (Stadium Name)/ , "3DS Files", "OIF Files", "O Files" and "Textures"
2. Open up Blender
3. Goto File -> Import -> "Stadiums .sef" and open the .SEF file you saved just before.
4. In the Bottom-Left corner of the screen, there should be a little button with a grid and an arrow pointing upwards.
Click on it. You will have a menu popup.
The only two options that concern us are "3D View" and "Outliner".
5. Goto Outliner. You will see a list of the parts that make up the stadium.
6. Open the heading: "Rebounds", by clicking on the Triangle.
7. Delete all the Sub-Headings under "Rebounds" by right-click and "Delete" and then delete the Main Heading.
8. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for "Sky", deleting all the Sub-Headings and then the Main Heading
9. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for all the "Field" headings, deleting all the Sub-Headings and then the Main Heading for each of these.
- There should usually be only be 3 Field headings.
After this you should have the following parts still remaining:
DOWNSIDE (Optional - Some stadiums have this as part of the DOWN_TRIBUNE, BASE or on its own; it's just the subs' bench )
NB: RenderLayer is the Patriarchal Heading for the .SEF file.
Delete this and your stadium will be gone.
Thus, From now "all parts" will refer to the ones above in CAPITALS.
III. Converting the Stadium Parts to .3DS:
1. You should still be in Outliner. From here, open up all the Headings and click on the eye you see on the left hand column in the outliner window for each of the parts.
This will hide all the other parts from view, making it easier to rotate them for FIFA 07 specifications.
2. Click on the eye again for the first subpart. This should be BASE 00-00, ROOF 00-00 TRIB 00-00 etc.
3. Goto 3D View, using the button in the Bottom-Left Corner.
NB: Whatever you do, do not click using the left-mouse button when viewing the stadium or any of its parts, as it will reset the Origin-Point to where-ever you may happen to click.
If this does happen reset the point using the Undo shortcut: CRTL-Z.
4. In 3D View you now have just one part showing. Press A. This wil highlight the part, making it ready for editing.
Now Press N. This gives you the "Transform Properties Window".
5. In "Transform Properties" Click on "Link Scale". Then click on "ScaleX";
This should make the relevant part increase in size by 10%.
If it doesn't, type the corresponding value manually: (1,100).
6. With "Link Scale" still activated, Click on "RotZ" and change the value to 90 (for 90 Degree rotation).
7. Go Back to Outliner.
8. Click on File -> Export -> "3D Studio" (.3ds) and Export to "3DS Files" Folder. Save as {Partname}.3ds
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for every other part, showing only one part at a time.
IV. Converting the "3DS Files" to "OIF Files":
1. Open Stadium Builder
2. Click on File -> "Import to OIF"; Open the first part's (eg base) .3ds
3. Click on File -> "Save OIF" and Save to "OIF Files" saving as {Partname (eg base)}.oif
4. Repeat the above steps for all other parts.
V. Converting to .O file - 1st Part:
1. Open OIFTool 2007
2. Change the Stadium Model to FIFA Generic Model.
3. Import
- From: part.oif
- To : part.o
- Base: template m716_33_1.o - from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
4. Import Window:
Click on "Empty All"
Click on "Load tasn" - Open the 07_template.tasn file; from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
Click on "Part 0" and in "Action with Selected Part" click on "Replace With". As there's only one part, you dont need to select which one.
Continue and it should convert your first part into .o format.
VI. Converting to .O file - All other parts:
1. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for all other parts.
2. Import*:
- From: Part.oif
- To : Part.o
- Base: Previous Part.o
3. Import Window:
Click on "Retain All"
Click on "Load tasn" - Open the 07_template.tasn file; from ECP Rhino Stadium Conversion Package
Click on "Part #"* and in "Action with Selected Part" click on "Replace With". As there's only one part, you dont need to select which one.
Continue and it should convert your combined parts into .o format.
* for conversions after the first one, follow this guide on order using the part before a part as its base:
PART0 BASE - tp00
PART1 D_TRIB - tp01
PART2 L_TRIB - tp02
PART3 ROOF - tp04
PART4 BENCH - tp05
PART5 U_TRIB - tp06
PART6 R_TRIB - tp07
4. Having done this with all parts, copy and rename the last .o (right_tribune.o) to m716__###_1.o
VII. FSH Creation - Texture Conversion:
1. Open Photoshop
2. Open the following Textures, in "1_day_fine", which will be used for the corresponding parts as indicated above:
3. Flip each texture Vertically.
4. Resize the textures from 512x512 to 256x256.
5. Save as the tp0#.png as indicated above, in the "Texture" folder
VIII. FSH Creation - Importing Textures:
1. Open FshED and open an existing stadium .fsh which has the above no. of tp0#'s (=7) and shad, skcd textures.
- If you have a .fsh with more than 8 tp0#'s (ie tp08, tp09) ignore them, as they wont be used.
2. Select the relevant tp0#, and with Graphic Importer import the corresponding texture, doing this for all the textures.
3. Save as t226_###_1.fsh and you're ready to import the model.o and texture.fsh !!!