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Search results

  1. Sepak

    YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!

    Sent you the link to my Facebook, sir Didier
  2. Sepak

    YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!

    Goddamn it, I missed this year's thread revival
  3. Sepak

    YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!

    That sounds interesting
  4. Sepak

    wichanwoo's faces

    But how are the facial animations handled? If the 3d face is from pes how does it match fifa's bone animation? Or are they static without face animtaion? I remember that being in some old fifa
  5. Sepak

    YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!

    Well, I guess it's up to me to keep this thread alive
  6. Sepak

    RFA Youtube's faces in FIFA 20

    Hi, what's the process to edit faces this year?
  7. Sepak

    Tonce's Kits

    Hey, I've been absent from FIFA for a few years. Do we still have tools to update the kits, faces, etc. I see people already doing some editing but I can't find the tools.
  8. Sepak

    afwan's Faces

    A friendly face is still around.
  9. Sepak

    YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!

    Even this epic thread is dead.
  10. Sepak

    The new forum layout sucks ass

    Because I don't use facebook and don't care to be in it.
  11. Sepak

    FIFA 18 News & Discussion

    I talked about Revolution mod in fifa18, the mod made by Scouser to add new features to FIFA. Don't know what you're on about.
  12. Sepak

    FIFA 18 News & Discussion

    What on earth are you taking about?
  13. Sepak

    The new forum layout sucks ass

    You don't have to
  14. Sepak

    The new forum layout sucks ass

    the code feature is implemented directly, what do you mean?
  15. Sepak

    FIFA 18 News & Discussion

    Maybe in the future Revolution Mod will be a thing again? I miss it so much.
  16. Sepak

    FIFA 18 News & Discussion

    How can you have those awesome specs with such a shitty monitor?
  17. Sepak

    Spam bombing!?

    The admin added a function to delete spam faster, but they can't be stopped just yet. Another protection needs to be added. But it's easier to keep everything under control now.
  18. Sepak

    Spam bombing!?

    They're looking into it now. I'm not deleting anymore until they add a protection, I've deleted around 400 threads, and there are other new 400 threads :'(
  19. Sepak

    Design - Personalized Signatures and Avatars

    I banned him because I tought he was part of the spam, can someone unban him?
  20. Sepak

    Spam bombing!?

    Yeah, the new platform does not have the spam protection the old one had. I already expressed my concerns to the admins to see what they can do.