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Dear Tokke01,I am currently working on a next version of the tool
1. wich will support more games
- Convert from:
* rx3 fifa 12 to 13 (without animations)
* rx3 FIFA 14 to 21 (with animations, if a skeleton.rx3 file is present)
- Convert to :
* FIFA10 console, FIFA 11 pc (with animations)
* FIFA 12-13 (without animations)
* rx3 FIFA 14 to 21 (with animations, if a skeleton.rx3 file is present)
- and special :
* rx2 (FIFA 08, FIFA 09, UEFA EURO 2008 console) --> rx3 FIFA10 console, FIFA 11 pc
converting shoesmodels FIFA 21 to FIFA 16 is possible,
testing with pao4ever to improve overlapping with socks yet...
2. Improved positioning faces after conversion FIFA 14 to FIFA 11
for less overlapping with wintergear...
Can you possibly help me how can i convert fifa 14 bone positions to fifa 12 or fifa 13? Thanks!Yes,
I think probably the bonepositions (bonematrices) wich needs be from fifa 12
It is difficult for you to get someone to help you with that, research is required and apparently there is not so much interest in FIFA 12/13, you can use faces from Fifa Online 3 there are good faces there I think until 2017 and they work perfectly in FIFA12 / 13, you can also try to use nintendo switch faces by replacing blocks 1,8,11 with fifa 12/13 but the result is not very satisfactory, there are errors in eyes and mouth and you will have to adjust the position with blender, check this post , you possibly help me how can i convert fifa 14 bone positions to fifa 12 or fifa 13? Thanks!
Thank you for your answer. I looked at the post you linked to, but unfortunately I only found a version there when FIFA Online 3 faces converted it to a format that works on Fifa Street. Can I possibly take down the FIFA Online 3 frame you mentioned that works flawlessly in FIFA 12/13?It is difficult for you to get someone to help you with that, research is required and apparently there is not so much interest in FIFA 12/13, you can use faces from Fifa Online 3 there are good faces there I think until 2017 and they work perfectly in FIFA12 / 13, you can also try to use nintendo switch faces by replacing blocks 1,8,11 with fifa 12/13 but the result is not very satisfactory, there are errors in eyes and mouth and you will have to adjust the position with blender, check this post ,
Sorry, thanks, while if I don't apply it with CM 12, but copy it to the required folders, it works flawlessly! Thanks for!It is difficult for you to get someone to help you with that, research is required and apparently there is not so much interest in FIFA 12/13, you can use faces from Fifa Online 3 there are good faces there I think until 2017 and they work perfectly in FIFA12 / 13, you can also try to use nintendo switch faces by replacing blocks 1,8,11 with fifa 12/13 but the result is not very satisfactory, there are errors in eyes and mouth and you will have to adjust the position with blender, check this post ,
BoneId BoneName
0 Reference
1 AITrajectory
2 Hips
3 RightUpLeg
4 RightLeg
5 RightFoot
6 RightToeBase
7 RightFootEnd
8 RightLegTwist
9 Calf_Right_Helper
10 Calf_BackRight_Helper
11 RightUpLegTwist
12 RightUpLegTwist_Cloth
13 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth
14 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth1
15 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth2
16 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth
17 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1
18 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2
19 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth
20 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth1
21 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth2
22 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth
23 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1
24 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2
25 RightButt_Helper
26 RightUpLegTwist1
27 RightKnee_Helper
28 RightLeg_PSC_Readout
29 RightLeg_PSC_Readout1
30 LeftUpLeg
31 LeftLeg
32 LeftFoot
33 LeftToeBase
34 LeftFootEnd
35 LeftLegTwist
36 Calf_Left_Helper
37 Calf_BackLeft_Helper
38 LeftUpLegTwist
39 LeftUpLegTwist_Cloth
40 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth
41 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth1
42 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth2
43 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth
44 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1
45 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2
46 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth
47 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth1
48 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth2
49 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth
50 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1
51 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2
52 LeftButt_Helper
53 LeftUpLegTwist1
54 LeftKnee_Helper
55 LeftLeg_PSC_Readout
56 LeftLeg_PSC_Readout1
57 Spine
58 Spine1
59 Spine2
60 Spine3
61 LeftShoulder
62 LeftArm
63 LeftForeArm
64 LeftArm_PSC_Readout
65 LeftForeArmTwist
66 LeftForeArmTwist1
67 LeftForeArmWrist
68 LeftHand
69 LeftHandThumb1
70 LeftHandThumb2
71 LeftHandThumb3
72 LeftHandThumbEnd
73 LeftInHandIndex
74 LeftHandIndex1
75 LeftHandIndex2
76 LeftHandIndex3
77 LeftHandIndexEnd
78 LeftInHandMiddle
79 LeftHandMiddle1
80 LeftHandMiddle2
81 LeftHandMiddle3
82 LeftHandMiddleEnd
83 LeftInHandRing
84 LeftHandRing1
85 LeftHandRing2
86 LeftHandRing3
87 LeftHandRingEnd
88 LeftInHandPinky
89 LeftHandPinky1
90 LeftHandPinky2
91 LeftHandPinky3
92 LeftHandPinkyEnd
93 LeftArmTwist
94 LeftSleeve
95 LeftBicep
96 LeftArmTwist1
97 LeftElbow_Helper
98 LeftArmBare_Bicep_Helper
99 LeftArmTwist2
100 Left_Scapula_Helper
101 Left_Delt_Helper
102 Left_Lat_Helper
103 RightShoulder
104 RightArm
105 RightForeArm
106 RightArm_PSC_Readout
107 RightForeArmTwist
108 RightForeArmTwist1
109 RightForeArmWrist
110 RightHand
111 RightHandThumb1
112 RightHandThumb2
113 RightHandThumb3
114 RightHandThumbEnd
115 RightInHandIndex
116 RightHandIndex1
117 RightHandIndex2
118 RightHandIndex3
119 RightHandIndexEnd
120 RightInHandMiddle
121 RightHandMiddle1
122 RightHandMiddle2
123 RightHandMiddle3
124 RightHandMiddleEnd
125 RightInHandRing
126 RightHandRing1
127 RightHandRing2
128 RightHandRing3
129 RightHandRingEnd
130 RightInHandPinky
131 RightHandPinky1
132 RightHandPinky2
133 RightHandPinky3
134 RightHandPinkyEnd
135 RightArmTwist
136 RightSleeve
137 RightBicep
138 RightArmTwist1
139 RightElbow_Helper
140 RightArmBare_Bicep_Helper
141 RightArmTwist2
142 Right_Scapula_Helper
143 Right_Delt_Helper
144 Right_Lat_Helper
145 Neck
146 Neck1
147 Head
148 HeadEnd
149 Sway_Hair
150 Left_Side_Hair
151 Front_Hair
152 Full_Movement_Hair
153 Top_Hair
154 Back_Hair
155 Back_Hair1
156 Right_Side_Hair
157 Back_PonyTail_Hair
158 Back_PonyTail_Hair1
159 Offset_Left_Throat_Helper
160 Left_Throat_Helper
161 Offset_Right_Throat_Helper
162 Right_Throat_Helper
163 DoubleChin_Helper
164 NeckBack_Helper
165 Face
166 Offset_Jaw
167 Jaw
168 Offset_LeftLowerLip
169 LeftLowerLip
170 Offset_LowerLip
171 LowerLip
172 Offset_RightLowerLip
173 RightLowerLip
174 Offset_Tongue
175 Tongue
176 Offset_TongueTip
177 TongueTip
178 Offset_Chin
179 Chin
180 Offset_LeftEye
181 LeftEye
182 Offset_RightEye
183 RightEye
184 Offset_LeftUpCheek
185 LeftUpCheek
186 Offset_RightUpCheek
187 RightUpCheek
188 Offset_LeftCheek
189 LeftCheek
190 Offset_RightCheek
191 RightCheek
192 Offset_LeftMouth
193 LeftMouth
194 Offset_LeftUpperLip
195 LeftUpperLip
196 Offset_UpperLip
197 UpperLip
198 Offset_RightUpperLip
199 RightUpperLip
200 Offset_RightMouth
201 RightMouth
202 Offset_LeftUpEyelid
203 LeftUpEyelid
204 Offset_RightUpEyelid
205 RightUpEyelid
206 Offset_LeftLowEyelid
207 LeftLowEyelid
208 Offset_RightLowEyelid
209 RightLowEyelid
210 Offset_LeftInnerEyebrow
211 LeftInnerEyebrow
212 Offset_LeftOuterEyebrow
213 LeftOuterEyebrow
214 Offset_RightInnerEyebrow
215 RightInnerEyebrow
216 Offset_RightOuterEyebrow
217 RightOuterEyebrow
218 Offset_LeftNose
219 LeftNose
220 Offset_RightNose
221 RightNose
222 Offset_LeftCrease
223 LeftCrease
224 Offset_RightCrease
225 RightCrease
226 NeckFront_Helper
227 NeckFront_Helper1
228 Left_NeckFlex
229 Right_NeckFlex
230 Left_Pec_Helper
231 Right_Pec_Helper
232 Elbo_Reader_Left
233 Elbo_Reader_Right
234 LeftBackShirt_Helper
235 LeftBackShirt_Helper1
236 RightBackShirt_Helper
237 RightBackShirt_Helper1
238 LeftFrontShirt_Helper
239 LeftFrontShirt_Helper1
240 RightFrontShirt_Helper
241 RightFrontShirt_Helper1
242 BackShirt_Helper
243 BackShirt_Helper1
244 Crotch
245 Hips_PSC_Readout
246 FrontShirt_Helper
247 FrontShirt_Helper1
248 Trajectory
249 TrajectoryEnd
250 LeftAnkleEffectorAux
251 RightAnkleEffectorAux
Does it work in UEFA EURO 2012 DLC?Skeleton - Impact Engine
after some research,
i managed to figure out the Skeleton of the impact engine-games :
* FIFA 12 (pc)
* FIFA 13 (pc)
* FIFA online 3 (after 2014)
i compared the FIFA 12 bone-matrices to FIFA 14 bone-matrices,
only for bones in the face-parts there were differences :
* for face, there are less bones avaible (at FIFA 12) then fifa 14
* bones for other body parts (legs/jersey/arms/...) are near all similar & avaible for both games (FIFA 12 / FIFA 14) : making converting (shoes/legs/jersey/arms/...) easier
* bone-ids are different, but similar bones are avaible
FIFA 12, FIFA 13, FIFA online 3 (after 2014 engine change) have similar skeletons i think
3 bones are unknown,
but i guessed & compared to other skeletons
Code:BoneId BoneName 0 Reference 1 AITrajectory 2 Hips 3 RightUpLeg 4 RightLeg 5 RightFoot 6 RightToeBase 7 RightFootEnd 8 RightLegTwist 9 Calf_Right_Helper 10 Calf_BackRight_Helper 11 RightUpLegTwist 12 RightUpLegTwist_Cloth 13 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth 14 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 15 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 16 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 17 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 18 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 19 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth 20 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 21 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 22 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 23 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 24 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 25 RightButt_Helper 26 RightUpLegTwist1 27 RightKnee_Helper 28 RightLeg_PSC_Readout 29 RightLeg_PSC_Readout1 30 LeftUpLeg 31 LeftLeg 32 LeftFoot 33 LeftToeBase 34 LeftFootEnd 35 LeftLegTwist 36 Calf_Left_Helper 37 Calf_BackLeft_Helper 38 LeftUpLegTwist 39 LeftUpLegTwist_Cloth 40 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth 41 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 42 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 43 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 44 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 45 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 46 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth 47 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 48 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 49 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 50 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 51 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 52 LeftButt_Helper 53 LeftUpLegTwist1 54 LeftKnee_Helper 55 ??? (LeftLeg_PSC_Readout???) 56 LeftLeg_PSC_Readout1 57 Spine 58 Spine1 59 Spine2 60 Spine3 61 LeftShoulder 62 LeftArm 63 LeftForeArm 64 LeftArm_PSC_Readout 65 LeftForeArmTwist 66 LeftForeArmTwist1 67 LeftForeArmWrist 68 LeftHand 69 LeftHandThumb1 70 LeftHandThumb2 71 LeftHandThumb3 72 LeftHandThumbEnd 73 LeftInHandIndex 74 LeftHandIndex1 75 LeftHandIndex2 76 LeftHandIndex3 77 LeftHandIndexEnd 78 LeftInHandMiddle 79 LeftHandMiddle1 80 LeftHandMiddle2 81 LeftHandMiddle3 82 LeftHandMiddleEnd 83 LeftInHandRing 84 LeftHandRing1 85 LeftHandRing2 86 LeftHandRing3 87 LeftHandRingEnd 88 LeftInHandPinky 89 LeftHandPinky1 90 LeftHandPinky2 91 LeftHandPinky3 92 LeftHandPinkyEnd 93 LeftArmTwist 94 LeftSleeve 95 LeftBicep 96 LeftArmTwist1 97 LeftElbow_Helper 98 LeftArmBare_Bicep_Helper 99 LeftArmTwist2 100 Left_Scapula_Helper 101 Left_Delt_Helper 102 Left_Lat_Helper 103 RightShoulder 104 RightArm 105 RightForeArm 106 RightArm_PSC_Readout 107 RightForeArmTwist 108 RightForeArmTwist1 109 RightForeArmWrist 110 RightHand 111 RightHandThumb1 112 RightHandThumb2 113 RightHandThumb3 114 RightHandThumbEnd 115 RightInHandIndex 116 RightHandIndex1 117 RightHandIndex2 118 RightHandIndex3 119 RightHandIndexEnd 120 RightInHandMiddle 121 RightHandMiddle1 122 RightHandMiddle2 123 RightHandMiddle3 124 RightHandMiddleEnd 125 RightInHandRing 126 RightHandRing1 127 RightHandRing2 128 RightHandRing3 129 RightHandRingEnd 130 RightInHandPinky 131 RightHandPinky1 132 RightHandPinky2 133 RightHandPinky3 134 RightHandPinkyEnd 135 RightArmTwist 136 RightSleeve 137 RightBicep 138 RightArmTwist1 139 RightElbow_Helper 140 RightArmBare_Bicep_Helper 141 RightArmTwist2 142 Right_Scapula_Helper 143 Right_Delt_Helper 144 Right_Lat_Helper 145 Neck 146 Neck1 147 Head 148 ?? (HeadEnd ??(fifa 11)) 149 Sway_Hair 150 Left_Side_Hair 151 Front_Hair 152 Full_Movement_Hair 153 Top_Hair 154 Back_Hair 155 Back_Hair1 156 Right_Side_Hair 157 Back_PonyTail_Hair 158 Back_PonyTail_Hair1 159 Offset_Left_Throat_Helper 160 Left_Throat_Helper 161 Offset_Right_Throat_Helper 162 Right_Throat_Helper 163 DoubleChin_Helper 164 NeckBack_Helper 165 Face 166 Offset_Jaw 167 Jaw 168 Offset_LeftLowerLip 169 LeftLowerLip 170 Offset_LowerLip 171 LowerLip 172 Offset_RightLowerLip 173 RightLowerLip 174 Offset_Tongue 175 Tongue 176 Offset_TongueTip 177 TongueTip 178 Offset_Chin 179 Chin 180 Offset_LeftEye 181 LeftEye 182 Offset_RightEye 183 RightEye 184 Offset_LeftUpCheek 185 LeftUpCheek 186 Offset_RightUpCheek 187 RightUpCheek 188 Offset_LeftCheek 189 LeftCheek 190 Offset_RightCheek 191 RightCheek 192 Offset_LeftMouth 193 LeftMouth 194 Offset_LeftUpperLip 195 LeftUpperLip 196 Offset_UpperLip 197 UpperLip 198 Offset_RightUpperLip 199 RightUpperLip 200 Offset_RightMouth 201 RightMouth 202 Offset_LeftUpEyelid 203 LeftUpEyelid 204 Offset_RightUpEyelid 205 RightUpEyelid 206 Offset_LeftLowEyelid 207 LeftLowEyelid 208 Offset_RightLowEyelid 209 RightLowEyelid 210 Offset_LeftInnerEyebrow 211 LeftInnerEyebrow 212 Offset_LeftOuterEyebrow 213 LeftOuterEyebrow 214 Offset_RightInnerEyebrow 215 RightInnerEyebrow 216 Offset_RightOuterEyebrow 217 RightOuterEyebrow 218 Offset_LeftNose 219 LeftNose 220 Offset_RightNose 221 RightNose 222 Offset_LeftCrease 223 LeftCrease 224 Offset_RightCrease 225 RightCrease 226 NeckFront_Helper 227 NeckFront_Helper1 228 Left_NeckFlex 229 Right_NeckFlex 230 Left_Pec_Helper 231 Right_Pec_Helper 232 Elbo_Reader_Left 233 Elbo_Reader_Right 234 LeftBackShirt_Helper 235 LeftBackShirt_Helper1 236 RightBackShirt_Helper 237 RightBackShirt_Helper1 238 LeftFrontShirt_Helper 239 LeftFrontShirt_Helper1 240 RightFrontShirt_Helper 241 RightFrontShirt_Helper1 242 BackShirt_Helper 243 BackShirt_Helper1 244 Crotch 245 ??? (Hips_PSC_Readout??) 246 FrontShirt_Helper 247 FrontShirt_Helper1 248 Trajectory 249 TrajectoryEnd 250 LeftAnkleEffectorAux 251 RightAnkleEffectorAux
fifa 14 faces converted to FIFA 12 :
yes, is same game as fifa 12Does it work in UEFA EURO 2012 DLC?
so we can convert faces to fifa 12 now?Skeleton - Impact Engine
after some research,
i managed to figure out the Skeleton of the impact engine-games :
* FIFA 12 (pc)
* FIFA 13 (pc)
* FIFA online 3 (after 2014)
i compared the FIFA 12 bone-matrices to FIFA 14 bone-matrices,
only for bones in the face-parts there were differences :
* for face, there are less bones avaible (at FIFA 12) then fifa 14
* bones for other body parts (legs/jersey/arms/...) are near all similar & avaible for both games (FIFA 12 / FIFA 14) : making converting (shoes/legs/jersey/arms/...) easier
* bone-ids are different, but similar bones are avaible
FIFA 12, FIFA 13, FIFA online 3 (after 2014 engine change) have similar skeletons i think
3 bones are unknown,
but i guessed & compared to other skeletons
Code:BoneId BoneName 0 Reference 1 AITrajectory 2 Hips 3 RightUpLeg 4 RightLeg 5 RightFoot 6 RightToeBase 7 RightFootEnd 8 RightLegTwist 9 Calf_Right_Helper 10 Calf_BackRight_Helper 11 RightUpLegTwist 12 RightUpLegTwist_Cloth 13 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth 14 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 15 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 16 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 17 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 18 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 19 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth 20 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 21 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 22 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 23 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 24 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 25 RightButt_Helper 26 RightUpLegTwist1 27 RightKnee_Helper 28 RightLeg_PSC_Readout 29 RightLeg_PSC_Readout1 30 LeftUpLeg 31 LeftLeg 32 LeftFoot 33 LeftToeBase 34 LeftFootEnd 35 LeftLegTwist 36 Calf_Left_Helper 37 Calf_BackLeft_Helper 38 LeftUpLegTwist 39 LeftUpLegTwist_Cloth 40 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth 41 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 42 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 43 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 44 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 45 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 46 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth 47 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 48 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 49 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 50 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 51 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 52 LeftButt_Helper 53 LeftUpLegTwist1 54 LeftKnee_Helper 55 ??? (LeftLeg_PSC_Readout???) 56 LeftLeg_PSC_Readout1 57 Spine 58 Spine1 59 Spine2 60 Spine3 61 LeftShoulder 62 LeftArm 63 LeftForeArm 64 LeftArm_PSC_Readout 65 LeftForeArmTwist 66 LeftForeArmTwist1 67 LeftForeArmWrist 68 LeftHand 69 LeftHandThumb1 70 LeftHandThumb2 71 LeftHandThumb3 72 LeftHandThumbEnd 73 LeftInHandIndex 74 LeftHandIndex1 75 LeftHandIndex2 76 LeftHandIndex3 77 LeftHandIndexEnd 78 LeftInHandMiddle 79 LeftHandMiddle1 80 LeftHandMiddle2 81 LeftHandMiddle3 82 LeftHandMiddleEnd 83 LeftInHandRing 84 LeftHandRing1 85 LeftHandRing2 86 LeftHandRing3 87 LeftHandRingEnd 88 LeftInHandPinky 89 LeftHandPinky1 90 LeftHandPinky2 91 LeftHandPinky3 92 LeftHandPinkyEnd 93 LeftArmTwist 94 LeftSleeve 95 LeftBicep 96 LeftArmTwist1 97 LeftElbow_Helper 98 LeftArmBare_Bicep_Helper 99 LeftArmTwist2 100 Left_Scapula_Helper 101 Left_Delt_Helper 102 Left_Lat_Helper 103 RightShoulder 104 RightArm 105 RightForeArm 106 RightArm_PSC_Readout 107 RightForeArmTwist 108 RightForeArmTwist1 109 RightForeArmWrist 110 RightHand 111 RightHandThumb1 112 RightHandThumb2 113 RightHandThumb3 114 RightHandThumbEnd 115 RightInHandIndex 116 RightHandIndex1 117 RightHandIndex2 118 RightHandIndex3 119 RightHandIndexEnd 120 RightInHandMiddle 121 RightHandMiddle1 122 RightHandMiddle2 123 RightHandMiddle3 124 RightHandMiddleEnd 125 RightInHandRing 126 RightHandRing1 127 RightHandRing2 128 RightHandRing3 129 RightHandRingEnd 130 RightInHandPinky 131 RightHandPinky1 132 RightHandPinky2 133 RightHandPinky3 134 RightHandPinkyEnd 135 RightArmTwist 136 RightSleeve 137 RightBicep 138 RightArmTwist1 139 RightElbow_Helper 140 RightArmBare_Bicep_Helper 141 RightArmTwist2 142 Right_Scapula_Helper 143 Right_Delt_Helper 144 Right_Lat_Helper 145 Neck 146 Neck1 147 Head 148 ?? (HeadEnd ??(fifa 11)) 149 Sway_Hair 150 Left_Side_Hair 151 Front_Hair 152 Full_Movement_Hair 153 Top_Hair 154 Back_Hair 155 Back_Hair1 156 Right_Side_Hair 157 Back_PonyTail_Hair 158 Back_PonyTail_Hair1 159 Offset_Left_Throat_Helper 160 Left_Throat_Helper 161 Offset_Right_Throat_Helper 162 Right_Throat_Helper 163 DoubleChin_Helper 164 NeckBack_Helper 165 Face 166 Offset_Jaw 167 Jaw 168 Offset_LeftLowerLip 169 LeftLowerLip 170 Offset_LowerLip 171 LowerLip 172 Offset_RightLowerLip 173 RightLowerLip 174 Offset_Tongue 175 Tongue 176 Offset_TongueTip 177 TongueTip 178 Offset_Chin 179 Chin 180 Offset_LeftEye 181 LeftEye 182 Offset_RightEye 183 RightEye 184 Offset_LeftUpCheek 185 LeftUpCheek 186 Offset_RightUpCheek 187 RightUpCheek 188 Offset_LeftCheek 189 LeftCheek 190 Offset_RightCheek 191 RightCheek 192 Offset_LeftMouth 193 LeftMouth 194 Offset_LeftUpperLip 195 LeftUpperLip 196 Offset_UpperLip 197 UpperLip 198 Offset_RightUpperLip 199 RightUpperLip 200 Offset_RightMouth 201 RightMouth 202 Offset_LeftUpEyelid 203 LeftUpEyelid 204 Offset_RightUpEyelid 205 RightUpEyelid 206 Offset_LeftLowEyelid 207 LeftLowEyelid 208 Offset_RightLowEyelid 209 RightLowEyelid 210 Offset_LeftInnerEyebrow 211 LeftInnerEyebrow 212 Offset_LeftOuterEyebrow 213 LeftOuterEyebrow 214 Offset_RightInnerEyebrow 215 RightInnerEyebrow 216 Offset_RightOuterEyebrow 217 RightOuterEyebrow 218 Offset_LeftNose 219 LeftNose 220 Offset_RightNose 221 RightNose 222 Offset_LeftCrease 223 LeftCrease 224 Offset_RightCrease 225 RightCrease 226 NeckFront_Helper 227 NeckFront_Helper1 228 Left_NeckFlex 229 Right_NeckFlex 230 Left_Pec_Helper 231 Right_Pec_Helper 232 Elbo_Reader_Left 233 Elbo_Reader_Right 234 LeftBackShirt_Helper 235 LeftBackShirt_Helper1 236 RightBackShirt_Helper 237 RightBackShirt_Helper1 238 LeftFrontShirt_Helper 239 LeftFrontShirt_Helper1 240 RightFrontShirt_Helper 241 RightFrontShirt_Helper1 242 BackShirt_Helper 243 BackShirt_Helper1 244 Crotch 245 ??? (Hips_PSC_Readout??) 246 FrontShirt_Helper 247 FrontShirt_Helper1 248 Trajectory 249 TrajectoryEnd 250 LeftAnkleEffectorAux 251 RightAnkleEffectorAux
fifa 14 faces converted to FIFA 12 :
yes,so we can convert faces to fifa 12 now?
i ll try bring a new converter-version in the near future
Skeleton - Impact Engine
after some research,
i managed to figure out the Skeleton of the impact engine-games :
* FIFA 12 (pc)
* FIFA 13 (pc)
* FIFA online 3 (after 2014)
i compared the FIFA 12 bone-matrices to FIFA 14 bone-matrices,
only for bones in the face-parts there were differences :
* for face, there are less bones avaible (at FIFA 12) then fifa 14
* bones for other body parts (legs/jersey/arms/...) are near all similar & avaible for both games (FIFA 12 / FIFA 14) : making converting (shoes/legs/jersey/arms/...) easier
* bone-ids are different, but similar bones are avaible
FIFA 12, FIFA 13, FIFA online 3 (after 2014 engine change) have similar skeletons i think
3 bones are unknown,
but i guessed & compared to other skeletons
Code:BoneId BoneName 0 Reference 1 AITrajectory 2 Hips 3 RightUpLeg 4 RightLeg 5 RightFoot 6 RightToeBase 7 RightFootEnd 8 RightLegTwist 9 Calf_Right_Helper 10 Calf_BackRight_Helper 11 RightUpLegTwist 12 RightUpLegTwist_Cloth 13 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth 14 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 15 Right_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 16 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 17 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 18 Right_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 19 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth 20 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 21 Right_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 22 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 23 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 24 Right_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 25 RightButt_Helper 26 RightUpLegTwist1 27 RightKnee_Helper 28 RightLeg_PSC_Readout 29 RightLeg_PSC_Readout1 30 LeftUpLeg 31 LeftLeg 32 LeftFoot 33 LeftToeBase 34 LeftFootEnd 35 LeftLegTwist 36 Calf_Left_Helper 37 Calf_BackLeft_Helper 38 LeftUpLegTwist 39 LeftUpLegTwist_Cloth 40 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth 41 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth1 42 Left_Front_Shorts_Cloth2 43 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth 44 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth1 45 Left_Inside_Shorts_Cloth2 46 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth 47 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth1 48 Left_Back_Shorts_Cloth2 49 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth 50 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth1 51 Left_Outside_Shorts_Cloth2 52 LeftButt_Helper 53 LeftUpLegTwist1 54 LeftKnee_Helper 55 ??? (LeftLeg_PSC_Readout???) 56 LeftLeg_PSC_Readout1 57 Spine 58 Spine1 59 Spine2 60 Spine3 61 LeftShoulder 62 LeftArm 63 LeftForeArm 64 LeftArm_PSC_Readout 65 LeftForeArmTwist 66 LeftForeArmTwist1 67 LeftForeArmWrist 68 LeftHand 69 LeftHandThumb1 70 LeftHandThumb2 71 LeftHandThumb3 72 LeftHandThumbEnd 73 LeftInHandIndex 74 LeftHandIndex1 75 LeftHandIndex2 76 LeftHandIndex3 77 LeftHandIndexEnd 78 LeftInHandMiddle 79 LeftHandMiddle1 80 LeftHandMiddle2 81 LeftHandMiddle3 82 LeftHandMiddleEnd 83 LeftInHandRing 84 LeftHandRing1 85 LeftHandRing2 86 LeftHandRing3 87 LeftHandRingEnd 88 LeftInHandPinky 89 LeftHandPinky1 90 LeftHandPinky2 91 LeftHandPinky3 92 LeftHandPinkyEnd 93 LeftArmTwist 94 LeftSleeve 95 LeftBicep 96 LeftArmTwist1 97 LeftElbow_Helper 98 LeftArmBare_Bicep_Helper 99 LeftArmTwist2 100 Left_Scapula_Helper 101 Left_Delt_Helper 102 Left_Lat_Helper 103 RightShoulder 104 RightArm 105 RightForeArm 106 RightArm_PSC_Readout 107 RightForeArmTwist 108 RightForeArmTwist1 109 RightForeArmWrist 110 RightHand 111 RightHandThumb1 112 RightHandThumb2 113 RightHandThumb3 114 RightHandThumbEnd 115 RightInHandIndex 116 RightHandIndex1 117 RightHandIndex2 118 RightHandIndex3 119 RightHandIndexEnd 120 RightInHandMiddle 121 RightHandMiddle1 122 RightHandMiddle2 123 RightHandMiddle3 124 RightHandMiddleEnd 125 RightInHandRing 126 RightHandRing1 127 RightHandRing2 128 RightHandRing3 129 RightHandRingEnd 130 RightInHandPinky 131 RightHandPinky1 132 RightHandPinky2 133 RightHandPinky3 134 RightHandPinkyEnd 135 RightArmTwist 136 RightSleeve 137 RightBicep 138 RightArmTwist1 139 RightElbow_Helper 140 RightArmBare_Bicep_Helper 141 RightArmTwist2 142 Right_Scapula_Helper 143 Right_Delt_Helper 144 Right_Lat_Helper 145 Neck 146 Neck1 147 Head 148 ?? (HeadEnd ??(fifa 11)) 149 Sway_Hair 150 Left_Side_Hair 151 Front_Hair 152 Full_Movement_Hair 153 Top_Hair 154 Back_Hair 155 Back_Hair1 156 Right_Side_Hair 157 Back_PonyTail_Hair 158 Back_PonyTail_Hair1 159 Offset_Left_Throat_Helper 160 Left_Throat_Helper 161 Offset_Right_Throat_Helper 162 Right_Throat_Helper 163 DoubleChin_Helper 164 NeckBack_Helper 165 Face 166 Offset_Jaw 167 Jaw 168 Offset_LeftLowerLip 169 LeftLowerLip 170 Offset_LowerLip 171 LowerLip 172 Offset_RightLowerLip 173 RightLowerLip 174 Offset_Tongue 175 Tongue 176 Offset_TongueTip 177 TongueTip 178 Offset_Chin 179 Chin 180 Offset_LeftEye 181 LeftEye 182 Offset_RightEye 183 RightEye 184 Offset_LeftUpCheek 185 LeftUpCheek 186 Offset_RightUpCheek 187 RightUpCheek 188 Offset_LeftCheek 189 LeftCheek 190 Offset_RightCheek 191 RightCheek 192 Offset_LeftMouth 193 LeftMouth 194 Offset_LeftUpperLip 195 LeftUpperLip 196 Offset_UpperLip 197 UpperLip 198 Offset_RightUpperLip 199 RightUpperLip 200 Offset_RightMouth 201 RightMouth 202 Offset_LeftUpEyelid 203 LeftUpEyelid 204 Offset_RightUpEyelid 205 RightUpEyelid 206 Offset_LeftLowEyelid 207 LeftLowEyelid 208 Offset_RightLowEyelid 209 RightLowEyelid 210 Offset_LeftInnerEyebrow 211 LeftInnerEyebrow 212 Offset_LeftOuterEyebrow 213 LeftOuterEyebrow 214 Offset_RightInnerEyebrow 215 RightInnerEyebrow 216 Offset_RightOuterEyebrow 217 RightOuterEyebrow 218 Offset_LeftNose 219 LeftNose 220 Offset_RightNose 221 RightNose 222 Offset_LeftCrease 223 LeftCrease 224 Offset_RightCrease 225 RightCrease 226 NeckFront_Helper 227 NeckFront_Helper1 228 Left_NeckFlex 229 Right_NeckFlex 230 Left_Pec_Helper 231 Right_Pec_Helper 232 Elbo_Reader_Left 233 Elbo_Reader_Right 234 LeftBackShirt_Helper 235 LeftBackShirt_Helper1 236 RightBackShirt_Helper 237 RightBackShirt_Helper1 238 LeftFrontShirt_Helper 239 LeftFrontShirt_Helper1 240 RightFrontShirt_Helper 241 RightFrontShirt_Helper1 242 BackShirt_Helper 243 BackShirt_Helper1 244 Crotch 245 ??? (Hips_PSC_Readout??) 246 FrontShirt_Helper 247 FrontShirt_Helper1 248 Trajectory 249 TrajectoryEnd 250 LeftAnkleEffectorAux 251 RightAnkleEffectorAux
fifa 14 faces converted to FIFA 12 :
I can try add,@tokke001 Great steps forward! Any chance for F11 to F14 ball model conversion?
There are quite a few awesome and needed balls in F11 that got removed from the game later on.
I havent tested, but if the format and skeleton is same as fifa 12/13/fo3 then yesDoes that mean we can convert FIFA 14 faces to FIFA Street aswell?
I believe FIFA Online 3 faces were already compatible with FIFA Street so having a bigger amount of faces from FIFA 14 that can be used would be amazing!
That would be great. Or even just the one ball model that has been deleted and the one that I need - 173.I can try add,
Ball models dont have animations, making it bit easier to convert
I can try add,
Ball models dont have animations, making it bit easier to convert
I havent tested, but if the format and skeleton is same as fifa 12/13/fo3 then yes
U mean fifa street is same as fifa online 3 after 2014 ?
* before 2014: fo3 had fifa 11 format/skeleton
* after 2014: impact engine (fifa 12/13)
Meaning we will have faces from FIFA 12 up until FIFA 17 in the game. I still need to test the newer FIFA Online 3 (17/18 season) faces, but I don't think there were many newer faces as the pack I have is from early 2017 (and they haven't added faces since the 17/18 season). Hair files from newer FIFA's work without issues, so it is also possible to import new hair models from Nintendo Switch (converted to FIFA 14) to the game.
ah yesYes, FIFA Online 3 faces work without any issue in FIFA Street (2012). @fifayoun was the first to test that out in the FIFA Street Console Editing thread:
And here's some screenshots I made with those faces installed on PS3, guys like Gervinho, Seedorf and Guarin have their exclusive face that they recieved in FIFA Online 3 as you can see:
View attachment 61064View attachment 61065View attachment 61066View attachment 61067View attachment 61068View attachment 61069