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Stadium cameras .dat files convertion


Youth Team
So, play with custom stadiums in the game is awesome, but that camera issue during replays and intros always bugged me. That's why I started to try to figure out a solution to this. I know some have tried already, but after some research on this forum I didn't find much about these previous attempts, especially when using stadiums with File Server. While doing my research, I stumbled across this post though, which provided some .dat files which seems to has the camera settings/coordinates during gameplay.

Of course the data wasn't readable at first, but I managed to convert these files' data into something readable, which may help people to figure a what's what...
Like I said, probably it isn't a big deal and it may have been discovered already, but I'll leave the converted files here in case someone want to take a look. If this subject has enough interest, I may post a simple conversion script made in PowerShell to allow people to edit values, convert back to the .dat format used in the game and test. I don't have that kind of time no more, otherwise I could do it myself.

Anyway, you can find the converted files attached to my message.


  • bcgameplay output.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 117
  • bcstadiumcams output.txt
    7.6 KB · Views: 100


Youth Team
So, I've noticed is kinda silly to just post the files without the converters for people to change stuff and try it in game, so both of them are attached to this message. Note you must change the directories by hand to match your preferred locations (where your mod files are), both scripts can be opened with note pad and the locations should be pretty straightforward to be seen.

Both scripts are simple and were build by Chat GPT after some inputs about the original .dat file structure, so problems are possible. The dat to txt will create a file with a lot of numbers which seems to be camera coordinates or something like I said in the first post while the txt to dat should do the reverse operation so any interested person can make editions and see if they cause any changes in game.

The .dat files to be used with these scripts can be found with CG File Explorer at data_frond_end>data>bcdata>camera. Remember to always backup your files, considering it's always possible to break things while testing.

Don't send me DMs about this subject, post all your possible doubts/issues here so other people might see it too.

Hopefully something useful come after this...


  • Dat converter.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 98
Last edited:
using the notepad++ editor I can edit the bcstadiumcams file remembering that each one of them has the _id of each stadium, see example in the photo:

and it has the following fields: STAD_1:STAD_2:STAD_3:STAD_5:STAD_137:STAD_246, where mine was the id3, I used Barça's camp_nou stadium as a base and I looked for these files and changed it to the id3 of my example and it worked but now on the road in On the field, everyone remains floating 1 meter off the ground and ball boys who return the ball, some remain buried in the ground.
