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Search results

  1. raini7788

    Riesscar's Modest Mods

    ;) Thanks
  2. raini7788

    Apex Mods - FIFA 21

    Hi guys, what is the Asset unlock mod??
  3. raini7788

    Arethiel's Sky Sports Patch

    Hi Arethiel, is there the update about your patch after last EA official update?
  4. raini7788

    Arethiel's Sky Sports Patch

    Arethiel, unfortunately the new update doesn't work… frosty says that your file is designed for a different version...
  5. raini7788

    Arethiel's Sky Sports Patch

    ;) Great!!
  6. raini7788

    Frosty Editor error: An unhundled exception has occurred

    Hi Guys i have a problem with Frosty editor, i have this message error: An unhundled exception has occurred. Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
  7. raini7788

    Arethiel's Sky Sports Patch

    Hi Arethiel, is possible to have a new file after official update? ;) Thanks
  8. raini7788

    [FP] Fantasyproduction by Arkantos (alias. HoMi)

    Homi, is possible, when you will be free, to modify two things from your wonderful aio about Chelsea kits… i would like the white socks in the first kit and the total black kit about the third…
  9. raini7788

    Riesscar's Modest Mods

    Hi ries, when you have free time, if is possible, could you change the orange socks in black socks of Chelsea third kit? Always thank you!
  10. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    it's incredible… :(
  11. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    hi guys, is there anybody who knows why i lost player faces details during the final celebrations?
  12. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    with the FIP 4.0 will be solved the problem with adioszl bootpack...
  13. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    adioslz bootpack
  14. raini7788

    Riesscar's Modest Mods

    if you can make it for me, i appreciate it so much… i'm not able in this things… XD
  15. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    i solved that issue… you have to put the bootpack at the end of the mod list in frosty
  16. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    is out now: 3.1.1 – Fixed the issue of UEFA Europa League not being played after the second season when playing the Custom Version.
  17. raini7788

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    guys, for the custom version of mod, will be exit a 3.1.1 version for a issue… so in that case we have to restart a career...
  18. raini7788

    Riesscar's Modest Mods

    Hi Ries, is possible to have the third Chelsea kit with the black socks? that orange socks are orrible… XD