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Players' tattoos


was thinking what do some of their tattoos mean. like this one on Kezman's arm for example.

Cisse's also got some nice ones

what's the huge one all over his arm?


Senior Squad
lol at having your own name tattood on you, what footballers don't have tattoos on their forearms though, way overdone.


Team Captain
ShearerM4;2410203 said:
I'm pretty sure Cisse's tats mean: "I'm a stupid attention whore"

Its not just Cisse's tattoo's that mean that. ALL tattoo's say "I'm a stupid attention whore".

Tattoos are for dickheads with personality disorders. They all look like crap.


Starting XI
pede54;2410251 said:
Tattoos are for dickheads with personality disorders. They all look like crap.


One or two tattoos are OK, but when you have all your body covered by ink... that's really something else.


Kimikal™;2410395 said:

One or two tattoos are OK, but when you have all your body covered by ink... that's really something else.

well if you do decide to do it, at least do it in style. at least that's what I think. I wouldn't have more than 2 tattoos anyway.

similar to Kezman's



Team Captain
Arnau;2410400 said:
deco tattoo its awesome

The artwork is indeed good, but WTF would anyone want to put THAT thing on their body for.

Hang it on the wall yeah, but to mess up your skin with something so stupid just beats the hell out of me.

Wait till they are 20 years old and they will just look lke dirt on your body. Fu<kin' YUCK.

And on women they look even worse. Retarded in fact.

Thats just my opinion guys. You are entitled to yours.


pete you are definitely right.
Beckham has a tattoo on his right hand which has "victoria" written in it in hindi.victoria is his wife for the information.


Club Supporter
i bet it says something else in Hindi, why hindi anyway, Im gonna have to email Becks and ask.

Cisse's tattoo means black angel


Senior Squad
Why hasn't anyone mentioned materazzi??? he's got about 24 tatoos on his body hehe!

p.s. the "codes" ibraimovic has tatooed on his shopulders are bith dates of the members of his family. just for your info...


Club Supporter
Harmsworth1;2410710 said:
Why hasn't anyone mentioned materazzi??? he's got about 24 tatoos on his body hehe!

p.s. the "codes" ibraimovic has tatooed on his shopulders are bith dates of the members of his family. just for your info...

ohh don't get me started about Zlatan, he could've fitted all those dates on his nose no probs.
Haha, my neighbour has a tattoo parlour in his garage. He and his wife are covered in tatoos, the first ones looked okay but now they just look awful. They're all over.


Fan Favourite
Dr3am3r;2410876 said:
ohh don't get me started about Zlatan, he could've fitted all those dates on his nose no probs.

bwhurhurhur....not cool! His schnoze is perfectly fine, man. Heroic Zlatan is flawless!

I'm a World champ, I'm very loyal, I dive and whine a lot, I'm a goal-scoring machine despite my position, my hair is Roman short and it glistens like gold from all the exotic oils that I put into it, and I also enjoy hardcore, colon rupturing buttsex.

Who am I?


Starting XI
Yossarian;2411056 said:
bwhurhurhur....not cool! His schnoze is perfectly fine, man. Heroic Zlatan is flawless!

I'm a World champ, I'm very loyal, I dive and whine a lot, I'm a goal-scoring machine despite my position, my hair is Roman short and it glistens like gold from all the exotic oils that I put into it, and I also enjoy hardcore, colon rupturing buttsex.

Who am I?

Do you wear red?


Club Supporter
Yossarian;2411056 said:
bwhurhurhur....not cool! His schnoze is perfectly fine, man. Heroic Zlatan is flawless!

I'm a World champ, I'm very loyal, I dive and whine a lot, I'm a goal-scoring machine despite my position, my hair is Roman short and it glistens like gold from all the exotic oils that I put into it, and I also enjoy hardcore, colon rupturing buttsex.

Who am I?

I never said his thing isn't fine.

You're homosexual perhaps?
