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Stadiums by Gonzaga & BFL TEAM


Club Supporter
Stade De Sclessin lights

Here the lights of Stade De Sclessin:


Constant Vanden Stock will be released after tomorrow. On stand by is the Italian stadiums group and between them I will convert Philips stadium, De Kuyp and St. Jakob. For example: Olimpico Torino (I know it's made by forzaroma, but it crashes my game), Philips Stadium, Renato Dall'Ara, De Kuyp, Atleti Azzurri D'Italia, St. Jakob.
After this sequence I will continue with the rest of Italian stadiums.
Here is StandarD Liege


Hi, somebody have the Friends Arena from Sweden complete? with the correct glares, crowdplacement and stadium textures?


Youth Team


  • err.jpg
    457.5 KB · Views: 160


Reserve Team
Yes, you can use my version, I fixed this problem and added sponsors and banners.
Strange! I've just tested it and didn't see any of this...
Update: Ok, now I saw it from a different camera perspective. Wiz, I'll use you pitch only, because I want to keep it default for all tournaments. Your updates are fenomenal though! :)
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Reserve Team
I checked you version, Wizard, but it is not the EA version. Did you have it fixed in the Switch version you released before this.


Reserve Team
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