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  • Hello, I know that my account is too young to get the link but do you know when you will release the version for new users aswell?
    Hello. But now the ANT mod for FIFA 16 is available for everybody Friend. Like I have promised. I do not understand. Please read the thread.
    Hi, i liked your post can I get fifa 16 all national team link?
    Hello! I know. You also did not read posts :). Why? Current version is for old users only. Next updated version will be for everybody. For now there are not any exceptions. Please read posts :)! Thank You!
    • Like
    Reactions: Jovix
    Hello friend, I would like your patch to download and play.
    Fifa 16 ANT 2018.
    How do I get the link?
    LIKE "1

    please, I'm a fan of your work
    Hello. Please read the "Official Release Post" in 2 threads either for FIFA 15 or FIFA 16, there is an information how to get the download links, free and the same for everybody :)
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    Reactions: Jovix
    Give me link of fifa 16 all National teams patch PC like ready
    This mod is now only available for old users who have been here registered ealier than end of november 2019. So it is impossible now.
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    Reactions: Jovix
    Hello, I would like to ask for download links to "FIFA 16 All National Teams 2018 PC"
    Hello. Read thread of ANT Patch 2018. There is written how to get it.
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    Reactions: Jovix
    Please write IN ENGLISH. I can response in Polish but I will not couse EVERYBODY world wide could not understand then what is written here.
    Witam Serdecznie, też jestem nowy, czy Patch do FIFY 16 All National Teams jest już do pobrania jakoś czy jeszcze nie został ukończony? Pozdrawiam.
    For now it was pre-released only for old soccergamming's registered users.
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    Reactions: Jovix
    And there is no chance that I could test it too? I followed this topic for 2 months but I didn't have an account.
    Witam serdecznie, jestem nowym forumowiczem czy mógłbyś mi podać jakiś link do do najnowszego dodatku dla FIFY 16 ??

    Dodatkowo mam następujące pytanie, jestem nowym forumowiczem czy mógłbyś mi podać jakiś link do patch którejś FIFY z dodatkiem Road to World Cup by można było grać eliminacje z kilku kontynentów jednocześnie.

    Pozdrawiam i czekam

    Wesołych Świąt
    Pozdrawiam i czekam

    Wesołych Świąt
    Hello. There is not any mods with qualifiers which You can use in such way. About download conditions it is written there on page 6 of this thread how to get download links for this mod of mine. Please read it there about. Greetings :).
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    Reactions: Jovix
    I have a patch for fifa 16, but I have a problem that I can't solve, could you help me? How do I talk to you?
    If You have any question about my mods You can ask about it by a private message. Greetings.
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    Reactions: Jovix
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