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andutzu89 faces


Fan Favourite
I am back with new work......Giovani Dos Santos v.1

V.2 another hair style and model

V.3 another hair and model and more younger like in orig pic

orig pic


Fan Favourite
Thx guys now i make my own Alexandre Pato because i don't like the others
Alexandre Pato v.1 with ea hair

Alexandre Pato v.2 with Carlos Eduardo hair maked by Vlady..thx man

and here the 2 original pics help to make this great face and i used one text pess with them

wait for coments guys:D

Colo Colo

Senior Squad
Giovani Dos Santos v1 is great!
Jonathan Dos Santos not similar for me.
Pato is good,
and Kolarov is brialliant, maybe your best face!
