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benqbiggis' Mods


Youth Team
I tried to change the ids of brazilian teams with wrong names. Tried to put all 20 teams but carreer starts but when i m Advance the time take so many time...or never ends. Unsuccessfully.
why i cant change the names like u did?
I tried to edit the loc files (por_br.db) but ,still persist the problems.
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Could you unlock so we can edit the players hair / face from the edit menu? I tried to edit some players, but only the skill change was available


Youth Team
I tried to change the ids of brazilian teams with wrong names. Tried to put all 20 teams but carreer starts but when i m Advance the time take so many time...or never ends. Unsuccessfully.
why i cant change the names like u did?
I tried to edit the loc files (por_br.db) but ,still persist the problems.

keep flamengo as roma sports then change in loc files the as roma ids to flamengo name

Its really taking a while to load manager mode.

Como você mudou os escudos dos times para aparecer corretos no Brasileirão com 20 clubes, não encotrei os escudos para mudar, pode me ajudar?

As you have changed the team shields to appear correct in the Brasileirão with 20 clubs, I have not found the shields to change, can you help me?


Youth Team

Como você mudou os escudos dos times para aparecer corretos no Brasileirão com 20 clubes, não encotrei os escudos para mudar, pode me ajudar?

As you have changed the team shields to appear correct in the Brasileirão with 20 clubs, I have not found the shields to change, can you help me?

keep flamengo with 113756 id and in assetid use real flamengo id 1043

in loc files find 113756 strings and change as roma sports to flamengo

do the same to all teams
Sim eu fiz isso, mas e os kits, como você aplicou eles? Porque mudando a ID para 1043 os kits ficam brancos e não apareceu para mudar com esse ID na ferramenta

Yes I did, but what about the kits, how did you apply them? Because changing the ID to 1043 the kits go blank and did not appear to change with that ID


Youth Team
Sim eu fiz isso, mas e os kits, como você aplicou eles? Porque mudando a ID para 1043 os kits ficam brancos e não apareceu para mudar com esse ID na ferramenta

Yes I did, but what about the kits, how did you apply them? Because changing the ID to 1043 the kits go blank and did not appear to change with that ID

in teamid keep flamengo with as roma sports id (113756)


Youth Team
Show, I didn't see your message yesterday, if you hadn't sent key.
Yesterday I did the kits of Vasco and Flamengo, if you want I can help in the construction of the PATCH.
Is it possible to create a B-series for Brasileirão?

Show, não vi sua mensagem ontem, se não tinha enviado a key.
Ontem fiz os kits do Vasco e Flamengo, se quiser posso ajudar na construção do PATCH.
É possível ser criado uma série B para o brasileirão?

what about the rest of teams like bahia, corinthians, internacional kits ?

the kits are working ? did you try import to frostbite engine ?
Desculpe, mas então quais tabelas eu mudo então para aparecerem os escudos em todas as competições de 133756 para 1043?

estou confuso!

Sorry, but then what tables do I then change to appear the shields in all competitions from 133756 to 1043?

I'm confused!


Youth Team
Desculpe, mas então quais tabelas eu mudo então para aparecerem os escudos em todas as competições de 133756 para 1043?

estou confuso!

Sorry, but then what tables do I then change to appear the shields in all competitions from 133756 to 1043?

I'm confused!

in selection team in manager mode will appear fut squad logos

but im fixing this editing crest folder in frostbite engine
Ja destrinchei a ferramenta, mas não achei aonde posso mudar esses escudos direto por lá, pode me dizer aonde fica a pasta?

Already untangle the tool, but I have not found where I can change these shields straight through there
wow, very good patch ta getting amazing. benqbiggis could you change the stadiums of Brazilian teams? to leave the most similar or just change their name to the real ones? I awa
Só mais uma duvida, prometo não te incomodar mais, para vc colocar os 20 times no modo carreira, quais as tabelas que se tem que mexer na compdata?

Just one more doubt, I promise not to bother you anymore, so you put the 20 teams in career mode, which tables do you have to move on the compdata?


Youth Team
Só mais uma duvida, prometo não te incomodar mais, para vc colocar os 20 times no modo carreira, quais as tabelas que se tem que mexer na compdata?

Just one more doubt, I promise not to bother you anymore, so you put the 20 teams in career mode, which tables do you have to move on the compdata?

you need edit standings.txt file in dlc > ..... > .... > compdata

leagues and cups have nothing to do with .db files
