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Converting ball models to 07/08/10

PES 2021 ball models

1) Download Blender
In this tutorial, Blender 2.93 is used. It may happen that you will need to have different Blender versions, because some add-ons may or may not work with different Blender versions. So the best way is to download Blender "portable" version (zip-packed) and unzip it to some "general" Blender folder on your PC (like C:Program Files\Blender Foundation):

2) Open Blender and remove unneeded objects in initial scene: Ctrl+A > Del, File > Defaults > Save startup file > Save startup file.

3) Download pes-fmdl add-on for Blender. The add-on works well only with Blender 2.8.x or 2.9.x.
In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-Ons, press Install, select downloaded add-on.
Enable installed add-on:

4) Extract .fmdl file from .fpk archive with GzsTool. Convert PES .ftex files to .dds with PES 2021 Ftex Converter.
As a result, you will have: "ball.fmdl", "ballX_c_bsm_alp.dds", "ballX_n_nrm.dds", "ballX_s_srm.dds". The last file is not needed.

5) Download and install xNormal:
Open it, go to Tools > Tangent-space normal map to cavity map. Drag the "ballX_n_nrm.dds" file to the left side of the tool. In Swizzle coordinates, change Z+ to Z-. In Method, select SPD. In Contrast, select 2.0. You can also try with other parameters to achieve better results, if needed. Press RMB on the right side of the tool, select Generate.
Press RMB on the right side of the tool, select Save cavity map. Save it as "map.tga".

6) Open "ballX_c_bsm_alp.dds" in Photoshop (DDS plugin for Photoshop is required - or - convert .dds to .tga with some tool and then open it).
Open saved "map.tga" in Photoshop.
Put "map.tga" image on top of "ballX_c_bsm_alp.dds" image with "Multiply" blend.
Flatten the image (Layer > Flatten Image). If you want to optimize the texture for the game, resize the image to 512x512 (recommended), or leave it 1024x1024 (but not higher) if you want better quality.
Save the image as "ball.tga" (TGA 24 bits/pixel).

7) Open .fmdl in Blender: on right side, open Scene Properties and in FMDL/IO group, press Import Fmdl, select "ball.fmdl".
Now what to do: delete Desktop\ball node (RMB on node name > Delete) because we don't need it; rename MESH_ROOT object and mesh to "ball" (not really needed, just looks better); in Material Properties, remove the material slot ("-" button) then press the New button.
Rename the material (double-click on material name to rename it) to:
FIFA 07: "ball [LitTextureIrradEnvmap,tex1:spec]"
FIFA 08/10: "ball [LitTexture2x]"
The value inside [] is a specific shader name for this material, and additional texture names.
You can also experiment with other shaders, and even use multiple materials/shaders on the ball mesh.
Now in Base Color, select Image Texture, and open "ball.tga".
Change render properties if you don't see the texture.
In Object Data Properties, in Vertex Colours, delete all vertex color slots ("-" button).
Now press A (select all) > Ctrl+A >All Transforms.
Now go to File > Export > glTF 2.0, create new folder for the exported file, select Format: glTF Separate, use filename "m222__X.gltf", where X is a ball model ID which you want to replace, Export.
Now, only for FIFA 07: change material name to "ball [LitTexture2x]" (we don't want any reflections on far-distance model).

8) Export again, but use filename "m316__X.gltf" (far-distance model).
As a result, you will have: "m222__X.gltf", "m222__X.bin", "m316__X.gltf", "m316__X.bin", "ball.png".

9) Open the folder with .gltf file and delete "ball.png". Copy "ball.tga" to this folder and rename this copied "ball.tga" to "ball@t99__X.tga", where X is a ball model ID which you want to replace.
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10) Open otools, select Pack images to .FSH, select the folder where .gltf and .tga are placed, Pack.
This will create "t99__X.fsh" file with ball texture inside.
Now select Import to .O, select the game, add the option -scale 61 (for FIFA 10: -scale 55), Import.
This will create "m222__X.o" (near-distance model) and "m316__X.o" (far-distance model) files.

10) Install to the game: copy "m222__X.o", "m316__X.o", "t99__X.fsh" into "data/assets" folder (Asset Loader plugin must be installed).
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PES 6 ball models

1) Download Blender
In this tutorial, latest Blender version is used. It may happen that you will need to have different Blender versions, because some add-ons may or may not work with different Blender versions. So the best way is to download Blender "portable" version (zip-packed) and unzip it to some "general" Blender folder on your PC (like C:Program Files\Blender Foundation):

2) Open Blender and remove unneeded objects in initial scene: Ctrl+A > Del, File > Defaults > Save startup file > Save startup file.

3) Convert .bin ball model to .gltf with pes6_balls_to_fifa tool (put model .bin file to the folder with the tool an launch the tool):
You will get ball model as .gltf file after this.

4) Open ball texture in Photoshop. If you want to optimize the texture for the game, resize the image to 512x512 (recommended), or leave it 1024x1024 (but not higher) if you want better quality.
Save the image as "ball.tga" (TGA 24 bits/pixel).

5) Open .gltf in Blender: File > Import > glTF 2.0.
Change viewport shading
In Object Data Properties, in Normals, disable Auto Smooth
Open Material Properties, in Base Color select Image Texture, then press Open and select "ball.tga" file.
For FIFA 07, rename the material (double-click on material name to rename it) to "ball [LitTextureIrradEnvmap,tex1:spec]"
Now press A (select all) > Ctrl+A >All Transforms.
Now go to File > Export > glTF 2.0, create new folder for the exported file, select Format: glTF Separate, use filename "m222__X.gltf", where X is a ball model ID which you want to replace, Export.
Now, only for FIFA 07: change material name to "ball [LitTexture2x]" (we don't want any reflections on far-distance model).

6) Export again, but use filename "m316__X.gltf" (far-distance model).
As a result, you will have: "m222__X.gltf", "m222__X.bin", "m316__X.gltf", "m316__X.bin", "ball.png".

7) Open the folder with .gltf file and delete "ball.png". Copy "ball.tga" to this folder and rename this copied "ball.tga" to "ball@t99__X.tga", where X is a ball model ID which you want to replace.

8) Open otools, select Pack images to .FSH, select the folder where .gltf and .tga are placed, Pack.
This will create "t99__X.fsh" file with ball texture inside.
Now select Import to .O, select the game, add the option -scale 1.17 (for FIFA 10: -scale 1.05), Import.

This will create "m222__X.o" (near-distance model) and "m316__X.o" (far-distance model) files.

9) Install to the game: copy "m222__X.o", "m316__X.o", "t99__X.fsh" into "data/assets" folder (Asset Loader plugin must be installed).
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3) Convert .bin ball model to .gltf with pes6_balls_to_fifa tool (put model .bin file to the folder with the tool an launch the tool):
You will get ball model as .gltf file after this
I can't convert this 4 balls from .bin to .gltf
FC25 ball models

Assume you have all exported balls in folders with such structure:
1729737526803.png 1729737565002.png
1) Download OTools 0.179 or higher version
2) Copy all ball_X_color textures to one folder; using Bulk Rename Utility, replace ball_ by ball@t99__ and remove _color suffix.
3) Pack these images to fsh files with OTools and command-line options
-fshFormat dxt1
4) Copy all fbx models to one folder; using Bulk Rename Utility, replace ball_ by m222__ and remove _mesh suffix.
5) Pack models to o files with OTools and command-line options
FIFA 07:
-startsWith m222 -material ball[LitTextureIrradEnvmap,tex0:ball,tex1:spec] -setVCol 808080 -scale 6160
FIFA 08:
-startsWith m222 -material ball[LitTexture2x,tex0:ball] -setVCol 808080 -scale 6160
6) Using Bulk Rename Utility, rename fbx files: replace m222 by m316.
7) Pack models to o files with OTools and command-line options (both FIFA 07 and FIFA 08):
-startsWith m316 -material ball[LitTexture2x,tex0:ball] -setVCol 909090 -scale 6160

- You can convert normal map into cavity map and merge it with color texture; this was explained in previous posts
- It's recommended to use 512x512 textures; use 1024x1024 textures (but not higher) if you want better quality
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