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Different way using scoreboards


there are two files... BOOTFLOWOUTRO.vp8 and FIFA_ATTR.vp8 (the latter is the one that goes automatically if you wait to press start ..

of course your videos must be converted in vp8 format... easy to do with CG File Expl

But if you want the movies instead of the skill games while match is loading you need also tho change the file in data/ui/nav folder... now I don't have pc with me so I can't tell you more..
Also could you possibly share your .bat files when you're able to please? This would be a huge help. Technically, could the same be done for player appearances? For example, players like Pogba or Neymar who change their appearances often. So if you want a specific look for that particular match, you simply run the .bat file for that appearance file set, am I seeing this the right way? Could regeneration be worked into a .bat file also:confused2:?? This would be exactly what this game needs, more innovation/automation when it comes to mods.


Club Supporter
Regeneration can be easily added in every batch file.. having a regen.exe that does it.. and in background for the same authors of CG File explorer..

You can completely change every file or folder and then regenerate and do what you want...
For example in my batch files I do this.. just with one click
Swap settings folder in documents..
Swap specific cl.ini
Swap all the data folder and the dlc folder and also audio data folder.
After I exit the settings folder in my tournament patch folder is substituted by the updated one.. so I can retrieve my preference and tournaments specific for that patch..

But unfortunately I cannot send you anything for you weeks because I have no pc with me.. I am traveling...

I could do it end of July or August.. sorry..

But everybody can try to create it.. it is very easy.. you have to use the command robocopy that makes without asking prompt a full substitution of folders. And start regen.exe (you need to download it and put it in FIFA 16 folder ) and start the game itself..

I will help who wants . but as I said not now
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Club Supporter
It is all very easy..

Take you MP4 or other format movie.. and convert it in VP8.. using CG File Explorer.. the button with smiling face is for video.. name it bootflowoutro.vp8 and save it somewhere.. (not directly on the final folder)..

Copy the file and rename it FIFA_ATTR.vp8

Open FIFA16/data/movies and move the two default files from the folder to some back up place of your choice..

Move or copy the two movies you created in the /data/movies folder

Last step..( I can't send files now).. you need to copy the content of nav folder (you need only one file indeed.. that you have with CGFile Server...This last step is to have video instead of training skills when match is loading if you want it..

I am sorry I can't be more helpful now.. but as I said I am traveling and I left PC and FIFA 16 for few weeks..
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Club Supporter
About the .bat file I remember now that I have the back up hard disk with me . If I can open the files.. with my Mac.. (maybe changing them in txt..) I can prepare a .bat file with detailed explanations about how to do the automatic swap..

But I can't promise to do it fast because I am in a trip in South East Asia..


Youth Team
Here is my nav folder



Club Supporter
Maybe I should open a new thread because it is not important only for scoreboards but for many users

As promised.. here are the lines to create a batch file to automate swapping of everything you want and practically change your FIFA 16 game

Let's start

Create a folder inside the main FIFA16 folder .. the one where is FIFA16.exe. This is the main folder of your different patches that you want to apply. For example imagine that you want to use different files for two different version of the game... One only for current modern tournaments and one for historical classical tournaments..Whatever you need the .bat file content will be the same because it uses relative paths.

So for examples you can call the folder FIFA16/MYPATCHES

Inside create a folder for every specific patch..example CLASSIC

So you will have a folder FIFA16/MYPATCHES/CLASSIC (of course you can choose any name)

Inside this folder you will have the folders that you need to swap...data, dlc and maybe audiodata if you want to change also audiofiles. I

Create a new blank document with a text editor, call it whateveryouwant.bat (extension should be .bat and not .txt. In the example I will call it startpatch.bat

The document will be saved (following the example) as FIFA16/MYPATCHES/CLASSIC/startpatch.bat

Of course you can do the same for every different patch o group of files you want to swap... In this way for example I have a single patch for every classic tournament being able to change every file with a 100% customization... including menu, soundtrack and so on...

So understood this... let's go to the text that you need in your .bat file The lines are in bold. comments in italics

But you can also add some note on your file. REM is a reminder aline of text that is ignored and that I use for comments.


REM the first line is @echo off that says that you don't want to print on video all the istructions...

@echo off

REM copy cl.ini or any other single file that goes in the main FIFA 16 folder.. example product.ini or rna.ini... whatever you want... I keep it in a folder _cl but of course you can have every path In this case you use the instruction copy that means copy and paste ..

REM Look the structure... copy is the command then the path of the file to copy and then the path of the file to past (can have also a different name.

REM Reading the path and keeping the example the line says.. make a copy of the file cl.ini in the folder _cl that is in this same folder where my .bat file is and paste it in the "grandparent folder" .. Now.. the folder wher the .bat is , is CLASSIC in our example, the parent folder is MYPATCHES and the grandparent folder is... FIFA16. Of course you can write the full path but using the relative ones you can use the same batch file for every patch you want to apply and wherever is your fifa folder.. I will not repeat again abaout the relative path system also because it should be well know to many, I hope :-)

copy ".\_cl\cl.ini" "..\..\cl.ini"

REM COPY THE SETTINGS - Document folder where setting are kept can be in different position . Of course you can use absolute path but in this way.. the system will find it automatically ad will assign the path to a variable SETTINGSFOLDER and you can choose every different name of course) We need this if you want different settings for every patch.. If not it is not needed

for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal" 2^>nul') do set SETTINGSFOLDER=%%C

REM Of course you must have a copy of the settings in a folder... in this case I call it SETTINGS and inside I have FIFA16 the folder of settings and saved tournaments from the document folder. Look at the different command robocopy and in the end of the line /MIR. IN this case you don't make just a copy but you erase the folder and put a new folder theat is a MIRror of the folder you want to put in.

REM Remember the in every path you need to use brackets " " if you have spaces... as between FIFA and 16


REM now swap files folders, data, dlc, audiodata (if needed). Of course in the folders you should have all that the game needs and with the same inner folder structure except what you will not need what is already in the .bh files of the original fifa... But this are general things that maybe everybody knows already.

robocopy ".\data" "..\..\data" /MIR
robocopy ".\dlc" "..\..\dlc" /MIR
robocopy ".\audiodata" "..\..\audiodata" /MIR

REM Now you need to regenerate and all is done. To do this you need to download the nice and small standalone REGEN.exe that should be in the main folder FIFA16 wher the fifa16.exe is
REM You can download it from http://3dgamedevblog.com/?sdm_downloads=stand-alone-regenerator and it works perfectly (also for fifa 14 for sure not only for 16 and maybe others)

START /W "regenerate" "..\..\REGEN.exe"

REM Look the syntaxis. START says to launch the program of course /W means "wait that the program ends to go on with other instruction " and it is better to give a name to the action you are performing "regenerate" for example... Of course the ..\..\ says that the program exe to launch is in the main FIFA 16 folder the grandparent folder.

REM you can stop here and start the game manually as you always do or... have the game start automatically with the next lines...

START "FIFA" "..\..\fifa16.exe"

REM doing in this way for my specific purpose I don't need CGFile server anymore having all automatically but maybe you need it anyway . And anyway I keeop the istructions and of course I have the exe in the fifa16 folder only because I have removed the configuration phase (the launcher) and my game starts automatically but I need the .bat file not to close until FIFA16 will be closed to update the serttings folder after I play with changes .. tournaments settings and so on... I have see that CGFS closes automatically a little after FIFA16 is closed so I use this other line to have the.bat file to keep opne until FIFA16 closes to UPDATE the settings..

START /W "CGFS" "..\..\Server16.exe"

REM Now I played and FIFA16 and CGFileServer are closed but the batch file .bat is still active and it will make an inverse copy of the settings folder so next time I will use my patch everything is updated. and finally after that the .bat can exit.




Of course you can customize everything... with this system and also go deeper with minor changes...

Example... You want only to change scoreboards? So you don't need to robocopy all the folder data... but only the overlays folder...and so on...

In this way you can have actually completely different version of the game.. I don't use any patch except the classic patch but imagine that you use sometime modding way sometime FIP sometime Classic Patch and sometime the original FIFA 16... you just need 4 folders with a bat file inside each one and in few seconds you can pass from one to another one...

I have one patch for every single classic tournament that allows me with the batch files method to do really whatever I want... but please don't ask me tho show them because they are based (with huge changes ok but the base is that) on the Classic Patch 16 of GIGGIRIVA, ACICOG and co... and I think that only officially released version by them should be released and publushed... This is what I call respect for their many yers working around all that.

Another trick... do you want to have all working in background without even seeing the terminal lines going... You just need to create a shortcut to put wherever you want of the .bat file so you don't even need to enter in the fifa16 folder .. you can keep it on desktop or wherever you want and in properties say to launch it minimized... so the window will not open at all... and after you click the first thing you will see is ..the game...



and in folder_of_the specific_patch you need folders and files you need to swap and put in the FIFA16 folder
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Club Supporter
Maybe I should open a new thread because it is not important only for scoreboards but for many users

As promised.. here are the lines to create a batch file to automate swapping of everything you want and practically change your FIFA 16 game

Let's start

Create a folder inside the main FIFA16 folder .. the one where is FIFA16.exe. This is the main folder of your different patches that you want to apply. For example imagine that you want to use different files for two different version of the game... One only for current modern tournaments and one for historical classical tournaments..Whatever you need the .bat file content will be the same because it uses relative paths.

So for examples you can call the folder FIFA16/MYPATCHES

Inside create a folder for every specific patch..example CLASSIC

So you will have a folder FIFA16/MYPATCHES/CLASSIC (of course you can choose any name)

Inside this folder you will have the folders that you need to swap...data, dlc and maybe audiodata if you want to change also audiofiles. I

Create a new blank document with a text editor, call it whateveryouwant.bat (extension should be .bat and not .txt. In the example I will call it startpatch.bat

The document will be saved (following the example) as FIFA16/MYPATCHES/CLASSIC/startpatch.bat

Of course you can do the same for every different patch o group of files you want to swap... In this way for example I have a single patch for every classic tournament being able to change every file with a 100% customization... including menu, soundtrack and so on...

So understood this... let's go to the text that you need in your .bat file The lines are in bold. comments in italics

But you can also add some note on your file. REM is a reminder aline of text that is ignored and that I use for comments.


REM the first line is @echo off that says that you don't want to print on video all the istructions...

@echo off

REM copy cl.ini or any other single file that goes in the main FIFA 16 folder.. example product.ini or rna.ini... whatever you want... I keep it in a folder _cl but of course you can have every path In this case you use the instruction copy that means copy and paste ..

REM Look the structure... copy is the command then the path of the file to copy and then the path of the file to past (can have also a different name.

REM Reading the path and keeping the example the line says.. make a copy of the file cl.ini in the folder _cl that is in this same folder where my .bat file is and paste it in the "grandparent folder" .. Now.. the folder wher the .bat is , is CLASSIC in our example, the parent folder is MYPATCHES and the grandparent folder is... FIFA16. Of course you can write the full path but using the relative ones you can use the same batch file for every patch you want to apply and wherever is your fifa folder.. I will not repeat again abaout the relative path system also because it should be well know to many, I hope :-)

copy ".\_cl\cl.ini" "..\..\cl.ini"

REM COPY THE SETTINGS - Document folder where setting are kept can be in different position . Of course you can use absolute path but in this way.. the system will find it automatically ad will assign the path to a variable SETTINGSFOLDER and you can choose every different name of course) We need this if you want different settings for every patch.. If not it is not needed

for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal" 2^>nul') do set SETTINGSFOLDER=%%C

REM Of course you must have a copy of the settings in a folder... in this case I call it SETTINGS and inside I have FIFA16 the folder of settings and saved tournaments from the document folder. Look at the different command robocopy and in the end of the line /MIR. IN this case you don't make just a copy but you erase the folder and put a new folder theat is a MIRror of the folder you want to put in.

REM Remember the in every path you need to use brackets " " if you have spaces... as between FIFA and 16


REM now swap files folders, data, dlc, audiodata (if needed). Of course in the folders you should have all that the game needs and with the same inner folder structure except what you will not need what is already in the .bh files of the original fifa... But this are general things that maybe everybody knows already.

robocopy ".\data" "..\..\data" /MIR
robocopy ".\dlc" "..\..\dlc" /MIR
robocopy ".\audiodata" "..\..\audiodata" /MIR

REM Now you need to regenerate and all is done. To do this you need to download the nice and small standalone REGEN.exe that should be in the main folder FIFA16 wher the fifa16.exe is
REM You can download it from http://3dgamedevblog.com/?sdm_downloads=stand-alone-regenerator and it works perfectly (also for fifa 14 for sure not only for 16 and maybe others)

START /W "regenerate" "..\..\REGEN.exe"

REM Look the syntaxis. START says to launch the program of course /W means "wait that the program ends to go on with other instruction " and it is better to give a name to the action you are performing "regenerate" for example... Of course the ..\..\ says that the program exe to launch is in the main FIFA 16 folder the grandparent folder.

REM you can stop here and start the game manually as you always do or... have the game start automatically with the next lines...

START "FIFA" "..\..\fifa16.exe"

REM doing in this way for my specific purpose I don't need CGFile server anymore having all automatically but maybe you need it anyway . And anyway I keeop the istructions and of course I have the exe in the fifa16 folder only because I have removed the configuration phase (the launcher) and my game starts automatically but I need the .bat file not to close until FIFA16 will be closed to update the serttings folder after I play with changes .. tournaments settings and so on... I have see that CGFS closes automatically a little after FIFA16 is closed so I use this other line to have the.bat file to keep opne until FIFA16 closes to UPDATE the settings..

START /W "CGFS" "..\..\Server16.exe"

REM Now I played and FIFA16 and CGFileServer are closed but the batch file .bat is still active and it will make an inverse copy of the settings folder so next time I will use my patch everything is updated. and finally after that the .bat can exit.




Of course you can customize everything... with this system and also go deeper with minor changes...

Example... You want only to change scoreboards? So you don't need to robocopy all the folder data... but only the overlays folder...and so on...

In this way you can have actually completely different version of the game.. I don't use any patch except the classic patch but imagine that you use sometime modding way sometime FIP sometime Classic Patch and sometime the original FIFA 16... you just need 4 folders with a bat file inside each one and in few seconds you can pass from one to another one...

I have one patch for every single classic tournament that allows me with the batch files method to do really whatever I want... but please don't ask me tho show them because they are based (with huge changes ok but the base is that) on the Classic Patch 16 of GIGGIRIVA, ACICOG and co... and I think that only officially released version by them should be released and publushed... This is what I call respect for their many yers working around all that.

Another trick... do you want to have all working in background without even seeing the terminal lines going... You just need to create a shortcut to put wherever you want of the .bat file so you don't even need to enter in the fifa16 folder .. you can keep it on desktop or wherever you want and in properties say to launch it minimized... so the window will not open at all... and after you click the first thing you will see is ..the game...



and in folder_of_the specific_patch you need folders and files you need to swap and put in the FIFA16 folder

Please let me know if you think that it is a good idea to open a new thread about this (I don't like to open new threads usually and I only love to give my help when needed and receive it when I need as should be) to be useful for many and not just inside this thread. Of course feel free to link this post wherever you want.

I can also give direct help if needed about the .bat files in case of problems but you have to wait August because I am traveling now.


Starting XI
Please let me know if you think that it is a good idea to open a new thread about this (I don't like to open new threads usually and I only love to give my help when needed and receive it when I need as should be) to be useful for many and not just inside this thread. Of course feel free to link this post wherever you want.

I can also give direct help if needed about the .bat files in case of problems but you have to wait August because I am traveling now.

Good idea to open a new topic. Do you think the tutorial would be possible with some pictures or videos?

It sounds great.


Please let me know if you think that it is a good idea to open a new thread about this (I don't like to open new threads usually and I only love to give my help when needed and receive it when I need as should be) to be useful for many and not just inside this thread. Of course feel free to link this post wherever you want.

I can also give direct help if needed about the .bat files in case of problems but you have to wait August because I am traveling now.
Sounds really promising. Just wanna ask if you are back at home?
To open a thread with that Topic could really help putting FIFA 16 to new level to simplify using multiple mods.
Would be great if you are still interested to help with your skills.


Club Supporter
Hi all! I need your help, I downloaded Server 16, everything seems to be ok, IDs are visible, etc. but nothing changes. I can’t change the TV design, the movie, although in the settings.ini writes that everything is OK
Screenshot 2022-10-09 014836.jpg


Youth Team
It is all very easy..

Take you MP4 or other format movie.. and convert it in VP8.. using CG File Explorer.. the button with smiling face is for video.. name it bootflowoutro.vp8 and save it somewhere.. (not directly on the final folder)..

Copy the file and rename it FIFA_ATTR.vp8

Open FIFA16/data/movies and move the two default files from the folder to some back up place of your choice..

Move or copy the two movies you created in the /data/movies folder

Last step..( I can't send files now).. you need to copy the content of nav folder (you need only one file indeed.. that you have with CGFile Server...This last step is to have video instead of training skills when match is loading if you want it..

I am sorry I can't be more helpful now.. but as I said I am traveling and I left PC and FIFA 16 for few weeks..
Mate can you make tutorial? I cant make it work.
I would really like to have intros.

Thank you.


Starting XI
It is all very easy..

Take you MP4 or other format movie.. and convert it in VP8.. using CG File Explorer.. the button with smiling face is for video.. name it bootflowoutro.vp8 and save it somewhere.. (not directly on the final folder)..

Copy the file and rename it FIFA_ATTR.vp8

Open FIFA16/data/movies and move the two default files from the folder to some back up place of your choice..

Move or copy the two movies you created in the /data/movies folder

Last step..( I can't send files now).. you need to copy the content of nav folder (you need only one file indeed.. that you have with CGFile Server...This last step is to have video instead of training skills when match is loading if you want it..

I am sorry I can't be more helpful now.. but as I said I am traveling and I left PC and FIFA 16 for few weeks..
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but for some reason it still doesnt work .. I follow all the steps but its still not possible for me.. Anyone who could help me ?


Starting XI
(you need only one file indeed.. that you have with CGFile Server...This last step is to have video instead of training skills when match is loading if you want it..

I am sorry I can't be more helpful now.. but as I said I am traveling and I left PC and FIFA 16 for few weeks..
What is this file called?


Club Supporter
What is this file called?
it is pausemenuflow in FSW/Nav Folder .
There are two files
It uses only the one NAV_ORIGINAL that is a modified file that syas to load the video instead of the skill games.. Every time you launch the Stadium Server or CGFS it will swap the text of your file with this one..

You can also do it manually without using the stadium server having permanently the video instead of skill games... just copy and past the text of the pausemenuflaw Nav_Original in your pausemenuflow.nav file that you have extract if you don't have it and you will find it in data/ui/nav

If you need more help I can guide you step by step... (It is really very easy onece you know how to do it) contact me PM.. I have also TLGRM (full name is not accepted) and whatsapp


Club Supporter
Sounds really promising. Just wanna ask if you are back at home?
To open a thread with that Topic could really help putting FIFA 16 to new level to simplify using multiple mods.
Would be great if you are still interested to help with your skills.
I take from here suggestions and I am always ready to give mine in exchange... for the little help I can give


Starting XI
it is pausemenuflow in FSW/Nav Folder .
There are two files
It uses only the one NAV_ORIGINAL that is a modified file that syas to load the video instead of the skill games.. Every time you launch the Stadium Server or CGFS it will swap the text of your file with this one..

You can also do it manually without using the stadium server having permanently the video instead of skill games... just copy and past the text of the pausemenuflaw Nav_Original in your pausemenuflow.nav file that you have extract if you don't have it and you will find it in data/ui/nav

If you need more help I can guide you step by step... (It is really very easy onece you know how to do it) contact me PM.. I have also TLGRM (full name is not accepted) and whatsapp
Thank you for the reply, I will try again when I have time ;)


Starting XI
it is pausemenuflow in FSW/Nav Folder .
There are two files
It uses only the one NAV_ORIGINAL that is a modified file that syas to load the video instead of the skill games.. Every time you launch the Stadium Server or CGFS it will swap the text of your file with this one..

You can also do it manually without using the stadium server having permanently the video instead of skill games... just copy and past the text of the pausemenuflaw Nav_Original in your pausemenuflow.nav file that you have extract if you don't have it and you will find it in data/ui/nav

If you need more help I can guide you step by step... (It is really very easy onece you know how to do it) contact me PM.. I have also TLGRM (full name is not accepted) and whatsapp
This helped me a lot, Finally made it work without any server :)
