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FIFA 14 mow patterns (for FIFA 16 too)

Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey guys, I am new here and got inspired by all the great things you all have been doing. Being a fan of the Classic Patches (14 and 16), I decided to share my little contribution with the community. Have in mind that I am neither experienced nor professional, everything here (and in other possible threads) is the result of things I've done for my personal use, and since I couldn't find here, I asked (annoied) so many people here to help me learn how.

As these games provide us endless possibilities (even about details), I would like to create/have all, or at least, most of the historycal mow patterns used in major tournaments and cups. If my time and lack of technologycal skills let me, I will try to share images/printscreens and info about each one. I will also share some I have from 16 that I adapted to 14. These are not made by me, and when I release them, all credits go to the author(s), even if I don't know who they are (I will specify which ones). I will do it because it would be nice to have all of them organized in one place.

PS.: I don't like chequerred mow patterns. I think they are visually "deceiving" (specially for classic teams, whose quality of grass and TV images were inferior). That's why none of them (at least the ones made by me) has them. When the original mow pattern was chaquerred, I intentionally made it striped.

PS. 2: For FIFA 16, just change the size of the mow pattern to 16's size using any program that can do it. I use Paint, for example.

The tools and sites I use (all free) are: Paint, Photoscape, Paint.net, Picsart editor and IMG online


Download new mow pattern:
You don't have to download the mow patterns. You just have to copy them from here to a folder in your PC

Install new mow pattern:
Game/data/sceneassets/pitch using Rx3Master. You can replace an existing mow pattern or create a new one

Create new mow pattern file:
Same "address" from above (install), scroll until you find a "pitchmowpattern_any number_textures.rx3" file. Replace the ID number (here in the example "any number") for one not taken yet. Then, go to Rx3Master, open this file and import the one(s) you got here. Save in Rx3Master and regenerate bh in CM or File Master

Use new pattern in game:
Rev Mod for specific teams, stadiums and/or tournaments (see documentation)
CM for stadiums (one by one)
Manually for the seven default game options. In this case, again in Game/data/sceneassets/pitch you replace (using Rx3Master) the default mow patterns by the new ones, by the ID numbers (you check these ID numbers in RX3Master or CM). it's basically the "Create new mow pattern file" step
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Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
To start, one of the most memorable mow patterns ever, due to its design, and also the relevance of the game (the loss of my favorite team ever): Sarriá's tragedy mow pattern (Brazil x Italy 1982). The next ones will be about the same group in Spain 1982

You will see that I have two versions: one with larger stripes, and the other with narrow ones. You can choose which one you like better.

PS: don't mind the names and numbers on the files. They are for my personal control.

PS 2: don't mind the wear pattern on the screens. It's something I put (I will start another thread about it)


  • 42 Sarriá Bra x Ita.png
    42 Sarriá Bra x Ita.png
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  • Sarriá 1.png
    Sarriá 1.png
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    Sarriá 2.png
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    Sarriá 3.png
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    Sarriá 4.png
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Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hi, guys! Now, I come with the previous game mow pattern: Brazil x Argentina 1982, the peak of "art football".

You'll find 3 versions (as usual, select the one(s) you prefer):
wide stripes
narrow stripes
narrow stripes with what I call "classic version": the same pattern, but with "blurred" stripes to simulate old fields' grass and/or pour TV images (this version will be familiar in many patterns I made)

For some reason (as I told you, I am not good with technologies) I wasn't able to upload the patterns here as I did on the previous post. There is a message saying the file is "too" large. Then, I got another message claiming I could only attach 10 files. So, I will put the screens and the mow patterns in a link. Sorry about that... I am still learning how to use this tool. If you guys help me, later I edit this post. Hope you like them!


Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey guys, I am back! Now, closing the mythical "death group" of Sarriá, Italy x Argentina: the rebirth of Azzurra.

You'll find - like the previous one - 3 versions (as usual, select the one(s) you prefer):
wide stripes
narrow stripes
"classic version"

Personally, I don't like the result of the "narrow stripes" version. It was one of the first I made. But, I decided to make it avaiable anyway... some may like it.


Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey, guys! Now I bring you a mow pattern that was used in two stadiums of the 1994 World Cup: Foxboro, old home of my beloved New England Patriots, where Maradona had his "last dance" in World Cups; and Pontiac Silverdome, the first dome ever used in a World Cup.

You'll find 2 versions (as usual, select the one(s) you prefer):
wide stripes (Foxboro screens)
"classic version" (Pontiac Silverdome screens)

PS.: Don´t mind about the "black shadows" on the players tights in Pontiac Silverdome screens. The image is dark during daytime games in that stadium, so I used a night game. Since I have "shorter shorts" applied, in replay mode (when I print the screen) the shaddows appear.


Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey, guys! To continue World Cup 1994, now we have 3 stadiums mow patterns: Rose Bowl (the final venue), Soldier Field (the opening venue), and Giants Stadium (Italy x Ireland, Italy x Bulgaria, among others).

These 3 are the examples I mentioned before. I didn't make any of them. I got them from Classic Patch 16 and just adapted to FIFA 14. All credits to the author(s). I am just putting all of them here together. If Iam doing something wrong by having them here, please let me know. I don't want to cross any line.

The only thing I did was to adapt Rose Bowl mow pattern into the "Classic version", but the original is also here.


Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey, guys! Let's move on to World Cup 1986. To start, one of the most important stadiums in the history of the tournament: Azteca stadium. In 1986, specifically, this stadium had many mow paterns. From this post on, this will be our focus, having in mind two things:

First, some of its mow patterns have already been posted here for other stadiums, or at least, very similar patterns (examples: Mexico's games in the first round = Rose Bowl 1994, or Mexico x Bulgaria in 1/16 = Sarriá 1982 Brazil x Italy); second, for some reason (maybe the quality of the images, or the sunlight of early time games of that World Cup, or even the excess of pattern overlaps from game to game) some patterns are very difficult to identify, therefore, also difficult to develop (examples: Argentina x England in quarterfinals or Argentina x Belgium in the semifinal). Anyway, let's take a shot, because this stadium and World Cup are worth!

First things first, the continuation of former champions struggle in opening matches: Italy x Bulgaria.

You'll find 3 versions (as usual, select the one(s) you prefer):
wide stripes
narrow stripes
"classic version" - in this case, the narrow stripes version with "blurred" horizontal lines only (rather than everything "blurred" like I normally do). I've done this one like that to be more similar to the TV image of that mow pattern

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Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Just so you guys to know, after this mow pattern thread, I have plans to open others about:

pitch wear patterns
confetti/shread paper (or something similar) on the field
pitch color textures (I am still testing some options/possibilities)
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Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey, guys! Next chapter: Maradona's greatest chapter: Azteca 1986 Argentina x England. Not my finest mow pattern (not only the difficulties I listed before, but the result: uneven, unnatural, etc.), but this one is very important and we need to move on to others. Later, I will return to it and improve this mow pattern.

You'll find 2 versions (as usual, select the one(s) you prefer):
"classic version"



Starting XI
Great stuff! Glad to see you progress from initial questions to posting your own content :)
I'd suggest you post rx3s assigned to respective tournaments/stadiums for quicker installation.

Personally I have zero knowledge about the 80s football but when one day I decide to play in that era, would be great to have all those rx3s already installed in my game.
Keep up the good work.

Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Great stuff! Glad to see you progress from initial questions to posting your own content :)
I'd suggest you post rx3s assigned to respective tournaments/stadiums for quicker installation.

Personally I have zero knowledge about the 80s football but when one day I decide to play in that era, would be great to have all those rx3s already installed in my game.
Keep up the good work.
What an honor your feedback! You helped me a lot with your guidance and patience. Thank you for that!

About your suggestion, I loved it! When I finish posting them, I will put all of them together and assigned in Rx3. I just have to check if my stadiums IDs are the same (compared to the Patch), because I added/removed some stadiums.

And about the mow patterns' eras, when I finish posting the specific ones, I will start posting "generic" mow patterns. I mean, mow patterns that were used in many stadiums and competitions (70's, 80's and 90's... Even 00's, but from this decade on the mow pattern was basically the same: wide chequerred). You may find something useful for your current gameplay.
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Bruno Passarelli

Youth Team
Hey, guys! Azteca 1986 saga continues. Now, Argentina x Belgium (semifinal).

Like I mentioned before, this mow pattern is very difficult to be identified. I know it looks horrible (like patchwork made by a kid), but in game it's quite similar to the real one. As the previous one (quarterfinal), I will return and improve it later. Maybe add some narrow stripes in different shades of green inside each wide stripes (it seems more accurate to the real one), but it takes some time to do it. This way, you can have at least the first version, and we can move on to other mow patterns.

The only thing I did here was to "blur" the original mow pattern made for FIFA 16 (all credits do the autho(s), like I mentioned before in the Rose Bowl post) the way I always do for "classic" versions. Then, I added the narrow stripes in the two boxes in the shape of - almost - a triangle.

Next post will be about Azteca final mow pattern and Cuauhtémoc stadium in Puebla.

