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New League Career Mode Error


Club Supporter
I created a new playable league in CM 16. The League works well in tournament mode. I changed the id with the Atricity League which was 65.

In tournament mode I can play the entire league, however when I try play in career mode it gets to the Loading screen but doesn't go past 3qtrs loading. The game does not crash it just sits there.

What do I need to do so that the league will work in career mode.


Starting XI
I created a new playable league in CM 16. The League works well in tournament mode. I changed the id with the Atricity League which was 65.

In tournament mode I can play the entire league, however when I try play in career mode it gets to the Loading screen but doesn't go past 3qtrs loading. The game does not crash it just sits there.

What do I need to do so that the league will work in career mode.
Take a look at this tutorial



Club Supporter
Hey, thanks, I started again, I followed that tutorial and again the game works in tournament mode, this time I kept the game ID at 3.

The game worked fine in tournament mode, but this time it got to 3 qtrs of the load screen on career mode and then crashed.

What might I be doing wrong?


Club Supporter
Hey, thanks, I started again, I followed that tutorial and again the game works in tournament mode, this time I kept the game ID at 3.

The game worked fine in tournament mode, but this time it got to 3 qtrs of the load screen on career mode and then crashed.

What might I be doing wrong?
actually now none of my other careers are working either...they all crash...
