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Stadium IDs editor, with a R software script

Hi everyone!

This is my first contribution to this fantastic forum.

I am sharing with you a script in R language (equivalent to C language) that will allow you to quickly edit the IDs of downloaded fifa 16 stadiums whether the folder you downloaded have a file sever structure or a classical structure (crowdplacement, fx and stadium folders).

The script also allows you, if you want to, directly sending all the stadium files with their new ID for a particular stadium into the correct game folders, replacing any potential file with the same ID already present in the folders (ie: if you created a new stadium by cloning with CM16)

If you are not familiar with the R software or programming, don't be afraid, the skill required are minimal. Instructions to install and open R are provided in a readme file. Once the R software open all you will have to do is to follow instructions from popping up windows.

To apply the script you will need to have the free R statistical software of version <3.6.3 installed on your computer. Instructions are provided in the readme file inside the package.

You can download the script in a package here:


I am happy to help, if you are having difficulty, BUT you need to at least have tried to run the script by yourself.

Do not ask me to change stadium IDs for you, I will not do it. As a wise man said, give a fish to a hungry man you will feed him for one day. Learn him to fish, you will feed him for the rest of his life.
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Youth Team
@Papinho81 i had little time now to test this and its easy even i dont know anything about programming and working like a charm!
Thank you very much for this, you will save so much time for me mate! :bow:

I have updated the opening post of the thread with a new version of the script.

It essentially does what it did before, but it should be way more easy to run it now, as I made it user friendly with windows popping up.
Also, you don't need to specify the folder structure of your stadium folder any more (File Server or Classical), the script will recognize it automatically.
Hey im so sorry i know the post is old and my question might be totally dumb (but changing ids faster would safe some time so i hope i get this to work sooner or later)..
im having trouble to get this to work, so far after installing R and changing the directory to the downloaded folder and then loading the script work, as the text that shows up then says, i also chose yes for the save directories and what it did ask there, but after that nothing really happens, the text says follow the pop ups so i think something is going wrong since nothing clear is popping up after that..do you have any idea why? i did this ctr+a ctrl+r thing that it said for sending the commads to the console but then it just says that some packages are missing and under that it shows the same text telling me to follow the pop ups instructions that never come :P...
Hey im so sorry i know the post is old and my question might be totally dumb (but changing ids faster would safe some time so i hope i get this to work sooner or later)..
im having trouble to get this to work, so far after installing R and changing the directory to the downloaded folder and then loading the script work, as the text that shows up then says, i also chose yes for the save directories and what it did ask there, but after that nothing really happens, the text says follow the pop ups so i think something is going wrong since nothing clear is popping up after that..do you have any idea why? i did this ctr+a ctrl+r thing that it said for sending the commads to the console but then it just says that some packages are missing and under that it shows the same text telling me to follow the pop ups instructions that never come :P...

I have updated the opening post with a new version that should not suffer from the same libray issues.

Here also:
I have updated the opening post with a new version that should not suffer from the same libray issues.

Here also:

Well that didn't fix the installation for the new users.

Here is a revised version that should install correctly this time:

OP updated too.
I installed everything but it asks for a stadiumfolder. Which folder does this mean?

It is the folder of the stadium you want to change the ID or the format.
Exemple: You downloaded a stadium in kotiara thread in rar format. Unrar the folder. Select the uncompressed folder with the tool and follow the instructions.
I keep getting this message. It doesn't matter which folder or stadium I take.

structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") :
[tcl] value for "-file" missing.
I keep getting this message. It doesn't matter which folder or stadium I take.

structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") :
[tcl] value for "-file" missing.

It works perfectly here.
What R version do you use? If it is >3.6.3 then install the 3.6.3 and try again.
@Papinho81 Hi Pap, today I tried to download the required extracted ingame stadium files you provided earlier in a Mediafire downloadlink. I took the link from the Pdf FIle with the Instructions to load Stadiums into the game. The link is expired. Can you please upload the Stadium Files again? Otherwise I am not able to test your Version of Stadium Loader. ;-)
@Papinho81 Hi Pap, today I tried to download the required extracted ingame stadium files you provided earlier in a Mediafire downloadlink. I took the link from the Pdf FIle with the Instructions to load Stadiums into the game. The link is expired. Can you please upload the Stadium Files again? Otherwise I am not able to test your Version of Stadium Loader. ;-)

Have a look on the OP of the dedicated thread, you should find a working link there.
