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FIFA 07 Remastered Edition

Do you still play FIFA 07?

  • Total voters


I don't know much about animations, the only thing I tried to research was in-game cutscenes (scripts.bin file).


Added 1920x1080 resolution
Also changed 1600x1200 to 1600x900
fifa07 19090.jpg


Fan Favourite
Most of faces were taken from FIFA Manager 07 or FIFA Manager 08.
For new pictures, I delete the background with remove-bg service and then adjust the size, position, colors and contrast in PS. I also add some shadow because faces in FIFA Manager used it.
View attachment 62798

I'm trying to stick with 2006/2007 photos (even more precisely - 2006 pre-season).

I will prepare a list of most important players who still don't have a picture, so anyone who's interested, could help. Maybe I will also give a small guide on how to prepare minifaces.
Where did you get FIFA Manager 07 and 08?
Do players from these games have ids like in normal FIFA?


I'm making experiments with songs replacement in FIFA 07.
fifa07 20459.jpg fifa07 20461.jpg
Song files are placed in data/audio folder (S7XX.sng files). They can be created with sx tool.
sx -pcstream S700.wav -=S700.sng
Song and artist names are placed in songlist.bin file inside audio.big.
The file format is following:
struct Song {
    uint id; // example: 20070100, 20070105
    char filename[8]; // example: S700, S705
    char artist[40];
    char name[40];
    char album[40];
    uint unk1; // always 9999
    uint unk2; // always 1

Song songs[numSongs];
The number of songs is determined by the file size (file size / Song size).
Album images are placed in gui.big (the filename for album is data/gui/elements/albums/id.big, where id is a song id from songlist.bin).

I found a tool called Music Changer for FIFA 08, which can convert mp3 files to sng and create songlist file. But I don't know if it works with FIFA 07.

There's also match loading music, stored in .abk (audio bank) files. I'm currently researching the file format. These files also store match sfx (kick, pass, post and other sounds).


Club Supporter
A new tool for database packing/unpacking was developed.
I know about DB Master, but it didn't allow to edit tables and fields properties.
With new tool it will be possible.
Hello There. Are there some tools for converting the database from a new FIFA game for FIFA 07?
And if it doesn't exist, it is hard to create a DB converter tool? I'm a web designer and an electronic engineer but I don't know much about coding.
FIFA 07 is my favorite video game of all time.. but it's tiring to play FIFA 07 with the same old players after almost 2 decades.
If you could create such a tool for converting the database automatically from FIFA 22 for FIFA 07.. Would you do it if you'd get paid for the tool? I'm not sure how could I pay you if PayPal doesn't work at the moment but we'll figure out a method. I'd rather buy this database converter tool (from FIFA 22 to FIFA 07) than buying the FIFA 22 game for my PS5. lol


Club Supporter
Added 1920x1080 resolution
Also changed 1600x1200 to 1600x900View attachment 80046
Did you just modify the crack with a hex editor or it's a lot more complicated than that?
I gotta ask.. How much you want for "it"?! I'd give you at least $20 for this Full HD resolution in FIFA 07.
Man, if you'd create a Patreon account now, I think you would have hundreds of fans subscribed to your Patreon within just a few months. You should create a Patreon account because you deserve to be rewarded for your great work! Just saying..


Senior Squad
Hello There. Are there some tools for converting the database from a new FIFA game for FIFA 07?
And if it doesn't exist, it is hard to create a DB converter tool? I'm a web designer and an electronic engineer but I don't know much about coding.
FIFA 07 is my favorite video game of all time.. but it's tiring to play FIFA 07 with the same old players after almost 2 decades.
If you could create such a tool for converting the database automatically from FIFA 22 for FIFA 07.. Would you do it if you'd get paid for the tool? I'm not sure how could I pay you if PayPal doesn't work at the moment but we'll figure out a method. I'd rather buy this database converter tool (from FIFA 22 to FIFA 07) than buying the FIFA 22 game for my PS5. lol
mate, if you suppose to be the bestfifamodder of all time, you would know that to convert fifa 22 database to fifa 07 the only needed tools are dbmaster and MS Excell, that's all


Senior Squad
Did you just modify the crack with a hex editor or it's a lot more complicated than that?
I gotta ask.. How much you want for "it"?! I'd give you at least $20 for this Full HD resolution in FIFA 07.
Man, if you'd create a Patreon account now, I think you would have hundreds of fans subscribed to your Patreon within just a few months. You should create a Patreon account because you deserve to be rewarded for your great work! Just saying..

Everyone here is graceful for that what is offered for free. And you seriously command here to offer all this for much money on patreon?
Let him make his work and let him share what he wants and respect what he doesn’t share.
He makes a fantastic job here.
There are perhaps people who are not able to pay. If you have enough money you can perhaps support Boris Becker. For him it is important.


Club Supporter
mate, if you suppose to be the bestfifamodder of all time, you would know that to convert fifa 22 database to fifa 07 the only needed tools are dbmaster and MS Excell, that's all
Who said I'm the bEsTFiFaModDeR of all time? Oh, my username? I picked that username as a joke. Didn't know what to choose as a username. lol However, even if I'm not the most talented FIFA modder, I'm surely one of the most hard working FIFA modders, yes, of all time, because I do FIFA modding Full-Time since many years ago. I work up to 10 hours a day modding several FIFA video games. Which FIFA modder can say that they dedicate 1500-3000 of hours yearly from their life to this hobby (modding FIFA video games on PC)?
Chill, of course I know that you need DB master, RDBM22 and Excel in order to convert databases but it's not as easy as you think because the FIFA 22 DB is very different than the DB from FIFA 07 in this case. It's like saying you only need wood and nails to build a cabin but if you are not a carpenter or a builder it will be tough to build a cabin all by yourself.. especially if it's your first cabin.


Club Supporter
And you seriously command here to offer all this for much money on patreon?
Let him make his work and let him share what he wants and respect what he doesn’t share.
He makes a fantastic job here.
There are perhaps people who are not able to pay.
Man, the hate I'm getting for trying to reward, support and motivate him for his hard work. Even if he would share his work for free in here, there are still people who actually value his hard work and wants to reward and motivate him to not quit. It's hard being or staying motivated when you work thousands of hours a year for free. You give up on friends, family, girlfriends, descendants, fun and much more.
In my honest opinion, noone should ever work for free.. and not many people would ever work for free. Everyone should be rewarded for their hard work and their time that they'll never get back. That's how the economy of a country grows, develops and flourishes. If you support free stuff, you have the mentality of a person from a third world country who expects everything for free not thinking that free stuff leads to low productivity and ultimately, bankrupcy.
Let me put it this way. If airplanes would be free, do you think airplanes would exist in the first place? Just a few people worldwide are passioned or insane enough to waste years from their life creating something valuable and give it away for free.
If noone would be rewarded for their work, we would still live like in stone age. We wouldn't have electricity, internet, cars, airplanes, ships, trains, subway, computers, buildings, sewers, etc, etc.. and video games either. We might actually be extinct by now if money weren't invented in order to reward people for their work and motivate people to work and create more stuff.


Senior Squad
Man, the hate I'm getting for trying to reward, support and motivate him for his hard work. Even if he would share his work for free in here, there are still people who actually value his hard work and wants to reward and motivate him to not quit. It's hard being or staying motivated when you work thousands of hours a year for free. You give up on friends, family, girlfriends, descendants, fun and much more.
In my honest opinion, noone should ever work for free.. and not many people would ever work for free. Everyone should be rewarded for their hard work and their time that they'll never get back. That's how the economy of a country grows, develops and flourishes. If you support free stuff, you have the mentality of a person from a third world country who expects everything for free not thinking that free stuff leads to low productivity and ultimately, bankrupcy.
Let me put it this way. If airplanes would be free, do you think airplanes would exist in the first place? Just a few people worldwide are passioned or insane enough to waste years from their life creating something valuable and give it away for free.
If noone would be rewarded for their work, we would still live like in stone age. We wouldn't have electricity, internet, cars, airplanes, ships, trains, subway, computers, buildings, sewers, etc, etc.. and video games either. We might actually be extinct by now if money weren't invented in order to reward people for their work and motivate people to work and create more stuff.
the reply is brief and sufficient: since people have started to make money with mods, the only thing we can see is less and less mods, less people interested and the community dying. The only few mods still made for free and now stolen to be published for money in some case, and then keep destroying the few remaining here. I think nowadays only those who make it for love of editing and improving have made a small community, like a group of survivors.


Senior Squad
Who said I'm the bEsTFiFaModDeR of all time? Oh, my username? I picked that username as a joke. Didn't know what to choose as a username. lol However, even if I'm not the most talented FIFA modder, I'm surely one of the most hard working FIFA modders, yes, of all time, because I do FIFA modding Full-Time since many years ago. I work up to 10 hours a day modding several FIFA video games. Which FIFA modder can say that they dedicate 1500-3000 of hours yearly from their life to this hobby (modding FIFA video games on PC)?
Chill, of course I know that you need DB master, RDBM22 and Excel in order to convert databases but it's not as easy as you think because the FIFA 22 DB is very different than the DB from FIFA 07 in this case. It's like saying you only need wood and nails to build a cabin but if you are not a carpenter or a builder it will be tough to build a cabin all by yourself.. especially if it's your first cabin.
the remark with your username was a kind of joke as well, I don't know if you understood it :D

but anyway, any db can be converted like this, even the 22 one.

Oh yes, I can find quite a lot of people spending hours of their time to mod fifa, I'm part of those, but I think with all respect I owe to them, I'm far, far away from people like @Skoczek @GIGGIRIVA @Harry BullZak @ACICOG and lot of others, we are not only spending hours but make it since years and maybe now decade ;)


Senior Squad
the reply is brief and sufficient: since people have started to make money with mods, the only thing we can see is less and less mods, less people interested and the community dying. The only few mods still made for free and now stolen to be published for money in some case, and then keep destroying the few remaining here. I think nowadays only those who make it for love of editing and improving have made a small community, like a group of survivors.
the principle is not even this, and I'm surely not the only one, to be honest, we work at first aim a bit for ourselves, but the aim then is to share what we have done to make others benefit of the work (this is the basic principle of any community, whatever it's on gaming, hobby or real life)
