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Fan Favourite
Staff member
I’ve been gone for quite some time due to a change in vocation that has left me with too little time to mod. I’ve now settled a bit, but I won’t be able to produce the amount of content I was. I apologize to anyone who has been trying to get in touch with me... I just had to stop altogether for a bit. I’ve still been modding here and there, and so I want to share what I’ve made for 21 so far. Huge thanks to Fifer for his facilitating development of a modding tool! As always, I will be posting both textures/files as well as .fifamods. Note that things are a bit more complicated now that I am using the hotspot files to apply overlay textures for the crests and brands. The hotspot values can be found in the project files I post. Simply open with FIFA Editor tool and open the hotspots to obtain the values. Please let me know of any inaccuracies or issues.

I will be uploading after the weekend league. Here is a small sample of what I have completed (about half):

Stay tuned for previews of the rest, the textures and the project and fifamod files.




Fan Favourite
Staff member
I have to do this piecemeal, because there are so many textures and it takes time to upload them. Here is Brazil:

Home (Collar 0)

Brands (Shirt followed by Shorts)

Crests (Shirt then Shorts):




Fan Favourite
Staff member
Adidas Arsenal Human Race Kit (Collar 7):

* Note that I did not use the brand/crest overlays. They should be left blank. I applied the effect on the normal file to compensate, but I did not want to have to test the overlays for the kit. If someone would like the psd file, they are welcome to create the kit with brand and crest overlays

